Chapter Eleven POV: Frank

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             After Annabeth left, it was my turn. I was so nervous, I kept messing up. After I broke five windows during archery, Reyna came to talk to me. " Why don't you take a break from your duties for now? Have two days off, so no one gets hurt," she suggested.

" Alright. I'm just tired, I guess."

" Frank, we're born to be wired. You're just the only one who's not." Anyways, I spent my two days off wandering around New Rome with Hazel. When it was time for me to go, I took one of the unicorns from the stables. No, I'm kidding, I took a pegasi from Camp Half-Blood. Well, actually, Guido came to pick me up. I flew all the way to England. When I landed, I saw Percy and Annabeth standing outside the doors. Well, more like HUGE GINORMOUS castle doors. Percy told Guido to land on the path, and he complied. As I got off, three kids came out. One of them looked like a mini Percy, but less so than David. Actually, he looked older than him. And his eyes were emerald-green, not sea-green. And he had glasses. He was wearing a smile I could tell was fake.

" Oh, another American! I just love the new students we're getting!"

" Actually, I'm Canadian," I said, glaring at him. " Hello, Percy, Annabeth."

" Whatever. If you're not from England, I don't care where you come from."

" Well, you don't have to be so rude."

" I don't care, Canadian."

" I'm also Chinese. So it's Chinese-Canadian to you."

" Shut it Chinese Canadian Baby Man." Rude!

" Hey, only Arion can call me that!"

" Who?"

" Arion the freaking horse."

" Whatever. It certainly fits you."

" Hmmph. Is this the guy you were telling me about Percy?"

" Yup," Percy replied with a frown on his face, I don't blame him.

" Oh, you're talking about me Jackson how flattering," Said Mr. Rude, though I don't know if it was sarcasm or not.

" You wouldn't say that if you knew what I said." Said Percy with a smug smile.

" Well, what did you say, hmm?" Said Mr. Rude as he glared even more intensely at us.

" He said, Κόπανος (Jerk)," I informed him. He stared at us for a moment.

"Ugh, whatever Chinese Canadian Baby Man." Said Mr. Rude before storming off.

" What's up with him?" I asked.

" Ginny - your half sister - says that she thinks the fame has gotten to his head." Replied Percy looking at the direction that Mr. Rude walked.

" I have a half-sister?"

" Yeah. You met her last summer, remember?" He said looking at me like I was nuts to not remember something that I don't remember. Wait. Now that I think of it, I think I do remember! Or not.

" Let's just get you sorted," sighed Annabeth. I followed her and Percy into a small room, where a hat stood on a small stool. I picked up the hat and put it on. Right away it screamed, thx for " HUFFLEPUFF!" I took to off again and looked at Percy and Annabeth.

" Come on, Frank, I'll show you our dorm." Percy led me down a series of turns and twists. A door magically appeared at the last hallway, and Percy opened the door for me and Annabeth.

I stepped in. Percy led me to a hallway, and opened the door that said, Frank and Hazel on it. I walked in, and smiled. It had soft, gold and red walls, with a red carpet. There were two beds, one was red and white, the other was gold and black. There was a gold workable, and two closets. My suitcase was at the foot of the red and white bed. It fit my personality so well, it scared me. I wonder what Hazel would think about all this. I'll just have to wait and see, I guess. Percy told me that this year, there would be no classes until all of us were here. So... The start of classes would be... September 27th. Yup. A while to go. Outside I heard Annabeth groan. " Αυτός είναι (It's him)," I heard her mutter to Percy. Must be Harry. I went outside too.

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