Chapter Thirteen:POV:Steller Crystal Chevalier

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    The Aphrodite children insisted on giving me a package and a manicure, honestly, they did an excellent job. Sitting on a pegasus can be..interesting. Unlike other experiences. Very different. I need no entrance. People who like great entrances are...weak (Except Percy, Percy is just weird that way). The only way to notice them is when they makes an entrance. When I reached the rather old building, Frank must have exaggerated. This building was not a castle. It's a school. It was big...but not too big, I've seen bigger. Admittedly, not much bigger, but still I have seen bigger. So I walked to the school and, I saw the glasses person. " Oh great another American." He muttered.

" Actually-" I started, but got interrupted.

" As long as you're not British I despise you." He said coldly.

" Oh! So then you'll like me!" I said.

" What no!"

" But Mr. Harry, I quote from the second sentence that you said to me today, 'As long as you're not British I despise you.' And here's the catch, I'm British." I said with a sly smile waiting for his response.

" Well...ugh! I guess you're not as bad as the others, so then I dislike you!" Harry huffed.

" Okay!" I chirped and skipped to the place where an old hat was.

" Hello, um, I suppose you're the great sorting hat?" I asked.

" Why yes child. Put me on and I will tell you what house you belong to!"

" Okay.." I said, sitting down, then putting on the hat.

"'re clever cunning..." The hat murmured.

" Uh, does that mean...?"

" Yes deary, Slytherin!"

" I'm evil?"

" I'm not saying anything."

" Good, you better not." I got up and left hastily. I walked and walked and walked. Halls after another.

Finally, I found a room with my name and Valerie's name. When I entered the room one part was covered in galaxies and constellations, the other side was um...dark. Like Hades dark, not evil dark. And in the middle, the two sort of blend in together. Nice. I walked to the galaxy side and found my suitcase, and on the side with galaxies and constellations was a medium sized closet, a desk, and a vanity desk. And a bed, it was covered in stars, there were pillows shaped like stars! That's all I need.....for now. 

( A/N Hello my stars! Um, yeah. Magical......ahem. Well, hello my readers! I finally typed a whole chapter, that's um, short. Sorry. But I will type other chapters. I left one clue of a prophecy in here! I wonder if you can put this puzzle together before the half-bloods can! Anyways my stars, this book is gonna be very long...I can tell. Well anyways, happy reading! Good bye and see you next time my stars! ~ @StarfireStella P.S. Please do not murder me, thank you for your cooperation.)

Stella: We have new people! But I don't care.

Valerie: * snicker*

Zeus and Hades Cabin: Celery.

Valerie: ...

Stella: Do you like celery Valerie? ( read this part out loud, don't you notice that Valerie and celery rhyme?)

Valerie: -_- I am not amused.

Jason: You're not supposed to feel amused.

Percy: Yup.

Annabeth: Indeed.

Piper: Totally.

Stella: Wow! A lot of people agree with you Jason!

Jason: * smacks Stella* Don't be mean.

Stella: Said the person who whacked his half-sister.

Piper: ....

Stella: Meow meow meow.

Valerie: Meow?

Stella: Nyah meow me~ow.

Valerie: Me~ow! Meow meow meow.

Stella: Nyah nyah.

Cat : Seriously? Even I don't talk like that.

Stella:, you really bad at trying to be a looks like a retarded blob...

????: Rude!

Stella: Me~ow me~ow, nyah nyah nyah!

Valerie: Me~ow me~ow me~ow.

Stella: Mew.

Valerie: Ny-


Stella and Valerie: Why?


Stella and Valerie: Deal.

Boys: WHAT?!

Piper: * gives permission and drachmas*

Stella and Valerie: Hehe.

Stella: Where's mommy?

Piper: Somewhere else.

Stella: Where's daddy?

Piper: At Olympus.

 Stella: Where's sister?

Piper: Somewhere.

Stella: Where's brother?

Piper: Which one?

Stella: Both.

Piper: AT the cabin.

Stella: Where's Pipe-e?

Piper: .....who's that.

Stella: You might know her as Pwiper.

Piper: Who's Pwiper?


Piper: -_-

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