Chapter Three POV: Nico di Angelo

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   I wasn't really that surprised. I mean, they are probably related to Hecate. When I was leaving the Hades cabin after packing, I ran into Will (A/N This is August 29th. Haha, I just realized that it's my birthday in the book! Haha).

He grinned and said,"Hey Death Breath, how's it going?"

"Pretty good. But I have to go and scout Hogwarts. And look for Ginny."

"See ya, I guess"

"Bye. "

And with that I disappeared. I was outside the entrance to Hogwarts, standing next to Ginny who grumbled, "Wow, I hate it when you do that."

"Would you rather I take days to get here?"

" Let's just go in. Follow me." We walked around and I asked where we were going.

" We're going to the headmistress' office," Ginny muttered.

We arrived at the office. Ginny said, "Nosebleed nougats." I stared at her.

" Nope."

" Pepper imps."


" Nauseous jumping snakes."

" Nope"

" Lemon Ice Lolly."

" Nope."

" Jelly frogs."

The gargoyle swung to the side and we entered. McGonagall's office had plenty of decoration it had waving pictures and all sorts of weird machines. There was a small silver thing on spindly black legs. The silver part had all sorts of gauges, dials, and openings. Several of them were puffing smoke.

Headmistress McGonagall smiled. "Ahh, you must be one of the half-bloods."

"Nico Di Angelo."

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr.Di Angelo."

"May I request something?"

"Yes of course."

"Can we have separate dorms? We all get terrifying nightmares, almost every night. Pretty much we live in constant fear of sleep. We might wake the wizards."

" Of course. Ms. Weasley, please take him to the Room of Requirement." Ginny nodded her head and looked at me.

" Follow me."

We arrived a long corridor. Ginny closed her eyes and walked back and forth in front of the wall three times. When she opened her eyes, a doorway appeared. Ginny walked inside, and I made haste to follow. 

Inside was a cozy room with a fireplace and armchairs. The walls were red, with purple and orange designs. Reminded me of a winter cabin. In a hallway, I saw several doors. On the right there was a black door that said Nico di Angelo and Will Solace on it. I entered the room, and half the room was decorated in black and skulls and was dark. The other half was bright and happy, and really bright. Did I mention bright? Like seriously bright. Oh well. I focused on my half of the room.

" Sweet. I could get used to this" Then I added, " So, where to now?"

" The Great Hall. You can have dinner, a good night's sleep, and then you can shadow-travel to meet your friends," Ginny ordered.

" Fine."

Timeskip to after dinner...

I crawled into the black-covered bed and lay down. I picked up a small pocket book I had brought with me. It was a photo album. I'd taken a bunch of me, of me and Will, Will, the Six, a lot of people. Smiling, I lay down again and closed my eyes.

When I woke up the next morning, I didn't want to get out. But I was supposed to meet the others at Diagon Alley, so I got up, grabbed my album, my sword-ring, and headed to breakfast. I had some eggs and half a pomegranate. Then I shadow-traveled to Diagon Alley. I was waiting for my friends at the entrance, when the wall behind me disappeared, revealing an archway.

" Oh, hello Nico," Ginny greeted.

" Hello Ginny. Do you know when my friends are getting here?"

" I'm sorry, who are you?" a guy with glasses asked rudely. I glared at him.

" Nico di Angelo. I'm from America, and I'm waiting for my friends. Ginny has the easiest way to contact them, so I asked her whether she knows when they're getting here or not." He frowned and nodded, but he looked like he was plotting my death.

" Actually, Neeks, we're coming one at a time," said a voice. I turned around.

" Solace," I grumbled.

" Travis, Chiron said no. I promise I'll visit as often as possible, okay?" Katie Gardener asked. Travis was trailing behind her.

" But I want to!"

" Fine, you can get my supplies with me, okay?"

" Okay!"

" Will said you were coming one at a time," I said. I was confused.

" No, all the teachers are coming right now. After you is Percy, than Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Thalia, Stella, David, and Valerie," Grover explained.

" Oh." No wonder.

" Well, introductions are in order," Will said,facing Glasses, Red-head, and Bushy. " I am Will Solace, this is Katie Gardener, Grover Underwood, and Travis Stoll, who is not supposed to be here. Pleased to meet you, what's your name?"

~ @HunterXofXArtemis and @dr86904

(^o^My b-day in the book!)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aphrodite: I ship it!!


Aphrodite: Why?

Me: 'Cause, they hate it when I say that.

Aphrodite: I DON'T CARE, I SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piper: Mom, what you you shipping?

Aphrodite: Duh, dr8-

Me: Not. A. Word.

Aphrodite: I'm a goddess!

Me: Exactly. Now be a good immortal, and sit down to let me say good-bye to the readers.

Aphrodite: Hm. Okay.

Me: There we go! BYE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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