Chapter 6 POV: Piper Mclean

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   I was helping Rachel organize the attic a little when suddenly she collapsed. " Chiron! Chiron, I think Rachel's giving another prophecy!" I screamed. I heard the sound of footsteps and hooves coming up the stairs. Chiron appeared first, then Annabeth.

" She's issuing a prophecy? Annabeth, please write it down." Annabeth nodded, and then the green smoke started pouring out.

Someone shall tell,

One who's the well,

Children of the sea shall go in the sky,

Child of Athena shall come with thy,

The fire and love child shall come for secure,

Though the healer's child will come for the cure,

Child of the sky will go to the sea,

Child of death will come with thee,

The evil one will come for power,

For she commands the darkness tower,

All shall go west,

One will be blessed,

Go to the tree,

She will be free,

She rules the dark,

So go get the bark,

One who's a rat,

Will get deeply trapped,

Making the right choice,

Will bring rejoyce

( A/N Prophecy copyrights go to @StarfireStella. Everyone give her a round of applause, she wrote the prophecy in her dream, all we needed to change was one word!)

Annabeth started scribbling in her notebook. She had already put it away when Rachel woke up. " I did it again, didn't I?" She asked after seeing our expressions.

" I'm afraid you did, dear. Annabeth, come with me. Piper please call a councillor meeting." I headed outside and recruited Jason to help me.

" You get the Olympians, I've got the minor gods," I told him, and then I ran towards the Iris cabin. After that was the Hypnos cabin, then Morpheus, Hades, Nemesis, Nike, Hebe, Tyche, and Hecate's cabin. I rounded up all the cabin leaders and headed back to the Big House. Stella and Valerie were there too, I don't know why.

" Alright, let's get down to business. Rachel has recited another prophecy," Annabeth said. She repeated the prophecy for everyone, then sat down.

" Maybe someone at Hogwarts can help us. Nico's scouted the place already, right?" Lou Ellen suggested.

" Alright. But it might be better if we have him over here, just so no one will see the IM."

" I'll go get him," volunteered Valerie. She stood up, then melted into the shadows taking Stella with her. Two minutes later, they were back.

" Hey guys. What did you need me for?" Asked Nico.

" We have a prophecy, thought we could use your Hogwarts know-how."

" Alright, what's the prophecy?"

Annabeth repeated it again, and Nico thought for a moment.

" Well, for the tree part, there is a Whomping Willow near the Forbidden Forest(~@dr86904). Maybe it's that. I'm sure it has a nymph. It could be the nymph that's trapped, like someone kidnapped her sometime back, and that's why the tree attacks people, because the nymph is being hurt. But now, the nymph's escaped, so... Well, that's what I guess."(the dark tower is probably the eye of sauron~@dr86904)

" Hmm... Well, that part out of the way... let's see. It seems like part of the prophecy has to do with the people going to Hogwarts, so that's half of the prophecy solved. The evil one who commands the darkness power might be Nyx, maybe some sort of special bark will help us stop her? Maybe bark from the willow Nico was talking about... A rat. Hmm... Like... a spy, maybe. So, this spy will get in a deep trap, and then.. Maybe it's like the L-luke thing again, where he chose whether to save or destroy Olympus," Annabeth rambled.

" That is a very good idea, dear," Chiron said.

" So, we've got most of that figured out."

" Yes, Nico, why don't you go back and tell the others?"

" Alright Chiron. Bye guys." Then he disappeared.

"Of course no one is listening, can't exactly guess everything of the prophecy. Even if you guessed could be wrong." Stella muttered before running off, and muttered about clothing. Weird, oh well. I'll talk to her later. However, just before she ran off, Annabeth rolled her eyes.

" Stella! We might not be able to guess it correctly, but we can try to do our best!"


Jason: Is my sister evil or something?

Piper: Yeah, she seems a bit suspicious.

Stella: I'm not saying anything.

Jason: So you are evil?

Stella: Said who?

Valerie: No one in particular.

Stella: Exactly.

Chiron: We have new demigods at camp!!!!!

Stella: Um...

Chiron: Just telling you.

Valerie: *sigh* Just go..

Nico: Am I late? 

Stella: You missed 6 chapters, you think?

Nico: I dunno, that's why I asked.

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