Chapter Nine POV: Perseus Jackson

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  I had a dramatic entrance planned. It was so crazy I would blow those wizards' minds. I was going to ride a wave into the school. I saw a huge castle. I knew that was my cue. I summoned a giant wave did a few laps around the school until everyone was outside. If Leo were here, I knew he would say something like, " THE MCSHIZZLE IS HERE!" Or something. when they were out I lowered the wave and said,

" Percy Jackson is in the house!!!" I cheered, if this was a test message I would have the 'XD' face. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nico facepalm and whisper something to a blond guy. Was that Draco?

Then the wave completely dropped.

"Mr. Jackson, I presume there are no sharks coming behind you?" Asked Mcgonagall, looking behind me.

"No, Professor, there's only a wave."

"Very good, well then school this is Perseus Jackson at dinner he will be sorted into his house."

So we walked into the school I saw a kid with glasses when he saw me he walked over and said

" The name's Harry Potter."

"Nice to meet you,σπασμωδικές ηλίθιος(jerky idiot)."

He muttered something like, " Bloody hell, no one knows me." Wow, and I thought nobody would curse like that. Other than that guy, everyone else seemed cool. I saw Ginny and I waved, she waved back. Mcgonagall told me to follow Grover. Actually, her exact words were, " Please follow Professor Underwood, he will give you directions on where to go while you wait for your Sorting." So I followed him. And he brought me to a small hallway. Grover opened the door magically and inside, I found a dorm. They each had signs, but there was one with my name and Annabeth's. At least, that's what Grover said. I entered the room. It was amaZhang (LOL, Frank reference here). The walls were a soft, cozy gray, and blue waves lined the bottom. Whoever painted the walls was a very good artist. It had one queen bed, because of Annabeth and my PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The bed was white with grey and blue striped blankets. There was a large table, for homework I guess, and there was a private desk in a little cubicle. I poked my head in, and some blueprint paper was there. There was a large closet and a small fountain for IMs. All in all, it's almost too amazing to describe it all. Then after Grover showed me my room he said,

" When you want to find this dorm again think, I need a dorm for demigods."

" Got it Grover, and thanks."

" Perccy, you also need to believe it so it can happen"

" Got it."

Then I went into a dining hall then in the room there was a stool and on the stool there was a old washed up hat. I was pretty confused until the hat said, "Am I going on your head or what?"

" Excuse me?"

" Yeesh, you're not a Ravenclaw for sure."

I put on the hat and he said, " Interesting, either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, I don't normally do this but I'll' give you the choice."

" Gryffindor? I guess."

" Okay, go and tell your friend Grover."

I walked out of the room when I saw Grover he was really nervous he stuttered, " S-so how did it go."

" Well, I'm in Gryffindor, so good?"


Percy: I made one good entrance didn't I?

Stella: Who is this Leo?

Jason: He was a funny,

Piper: Nice,

Annabeth: And crazy boy.

Percy: I miss him.

Frank: Don't we all?

Stella: OMIGODZ, stop popping out of no where people!

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