Chapter Four Pov: Harry Potter

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Who does this bloody american think he is? He didn't fanboy over me(A/N What did you expect, him to start bowing and saying, " Master Potter, how may I serve you?!)! I am Harry freaking Potter. To make matters worse, now they're talking in a weird language!

Something like

" Ας πάμε στο κατάστημα ρόμπα πρώτη (let's got to the robe store)," said the Katherine girl. Wait, was it Katherine? I think so. Oh well, it's not like I need to speak to the peasant.

" Εντάξει , ρόμπες κυρία Malkin για όλες τις occasions , σωστά (Alright, Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, right?)," answered the Walt guy. Grr, these names are impossible to remember (A/N yeah right, Harry Jerker)!

" Παιδιά, οι άνθρωποι κοιτάζουν επίμονα , δεν χρειάζεται να μιλήσω στα ελληνικά (guys, people are staring, you don't have to talk in Greek)," said the Garold person nervously.

" Grover," Oh, his name was Grover? " You're talking in Greek too!" Sighed Nico.

"Now they know we're speaking greek!" The Tanner guy said. Again with the names!

" So? None of them speak Greek!"

" Ginny does."

" But Ginny is allowed to know, because of our, uh, parentage." Ha, now they're acting like they're special. They haven't had their lives ruined by a prophecy! They haven't watched more of their friends die than they can count! They don't have dead parents! They haven't had to save the world! (A/N Yeah right. Ο Χάρι ... πως είσαι ηλίθιος ! Έχουν περάσει πολύ περισσότερο από ό, τι ποτέ θα! I'm not translating that, sorry. I'll tell you at the end of the chapter).

" Harry, you coming?" Asked Hermione. With a start, I realized that they had all left already.

" Yeah, coming."

" Hurry up."

When I finally caught up with them I said, "What do you think of the... Americans, Walt, Tanner, Katherine, Garold, and, umm... Nick?" I asked. I said the word with disgust, I didn't like them.

"They're okay, I guess."

" Potter, it's Will, Travis, Katie, Grover and Nico."

" Don't care, not like i need to speak to them, Ginevra."

" Actually, you do. Katie, Will, and Grover are teachers."

" WHAT, Bloody Americans as teachers? We'll be dumber than hammerheads!"

" Actually, hammerheads are very smart." I ignored Ginevra and turned to Ron.

"What do you say?"

"They're fine."

"Oh really."

"What's your problem, mate?"

"They're taking my fame by showing up, Weasley." Poking his chest

" What's wrong with you, Harry?" Oh, nothing. Just the fact that my fame is going to HELL within a week!

" Nothing Hermione, I guess they're just... surprising."

" Alright then." The rest of the shopping trip passed with none of us mentioning my little, uh, episode(A/N tantrum ~@dr86904). But Ginevra was definitely mad. She glared at me the whole time, and after awhile, she left, like she couldn't stand being near me(A/N 'Course she can't, you're a freaking, whiny, conceited εγωκεντρικοί ηλίθιος {Egocentric Idiot} ~ @HunterXofXArtemis).

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