Important Things

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Valerie's Profile:

Name: Valerie "Val" Evans

Age: Fourteen

Godly Relations: Daughter of Pluto, legacy of Ceres, blessed by Aphrodite

Powers: Nico and Hazel's powers, weak Ceres powers

Traits: Sarcastic, Crazy, Stubborn, Impossible, Smart, Childish, Dramatic, Feisty, Kind(basically me in real life) ADHD

Looks: Waist-length obsidian hair, dark amber eyes, random clothes

Weapons: One leaf one heart earrings that turns into bow or daggers or throwing knives, leather necklace with bone charm, turns into Stygian Iron sword (All weapons are edged with silver and Imperial Gold)

Fatal Flaw: Reckless

Extra: Loves siblings, friends, and family (even Hades), ADHD, not dyslexic, lactose intolerant

Nicknames:Ghost Queen, Lady Ghost, Zombie Gal, Death Breath 2.0, Death Girl, Zombie Idiot, Daughter of Hades, and others


Stella's Profile

Name: Stella Diamond Chevalier (her last name was changed so that she doesn't have too much fame because her mom is a famous designer) 

Age: Fourteen

Godly Relations: Daughter of Zeus, legacy of Aphrodite, blessed by Apollo

Powers: Jason's powers, tiny charmspeak, natural healer but no healing powers

Traits: Pretty, Smart, Stubborn, Short tempered, Nice, Sweet, sarcastic

Looks: Long caramel hair(wavy), grey-blue eyes, whatever clothes required

Weapons: Silver bracelet to turn into a silver knife(barely uses), a bronze bracelet to turn to Celestial Bronze dagger, a star clip that turns into bow(don't ask about the arrows, it's MAGICAL!!)

Fatal Flaw: Low self esteem

Extra: ADHD, loves fashion, hates being known as 'Jason's sister',good aiming with bow and arrow, and doesn't respond if someone calls her a nickname that she hates.

Nicknames: Air Head, Cloud Head, Wonder Woman, Tinker Bell, Sparky 2.0 (courtesy of Piper), Daughter of Zeus.

David's Profile

Name: David "Rabidus" Reynolds

Age: Fourteen

Godly Relations: Son of Poseidon, legacy of Hermes blessed by Hecate

Powers: Percy's powers, but weaker and can hear water, fast(yeah right) good thief, terrible speller, small Mist control

Traits: crazy, smart mouth, (basically Leo)Columbian, Scrawny

Looks: jet black hair, blue eyes, jeans and a t-shirt (the Aphrodite cabin hates me)

Weapons: boxing gloves and a sword

Fatal Flaw: Too friendly

Extra:ADHD, Dyslexic

Nicknames: Barnacle Brain, Seaweed Brain 2.0, Nemo (i love this nickname), Kelp Head 2.0, Rabidus Vlacas , Son of Poseidon,

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Me: This is the personality thingy for the made-up characters. i'm saving your life!

Percy: Trust me-

Me: I don't trust you, your related to Barnacle Brain, and trusting him- well I never did, but if I did, I would be dead. And seeing your related to him, I don't trust you. It's like basically asking to borrow money from a bank, they would check your credit history, and if-

Percy: STOP!!! I get it. Just let me finish. So-

Me: You interrupted me, so I interrupt you.

Percy: UGH!! Ok, well, I know saving lives, but typing that did not do anything.

Me: OMIGODZ! Don't be so annoying! Well, bye readers!!! :D

Percy: Yeah bye!!! :3


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