Chapter 1

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"Okay class, how does the book Dracula use ideas of romanticism and horror to portray the characters? What figurative language does the author use to imply this?" Mr. Herbert says out loud to the class.
The same three kids raise their hands confidently, eager to prove that they know the answer and are indeed smart. I never understood how one could be so academically competitive. I mean I'm not like them but I'm not stupid either I'm actually pretty smart, I take some AP classes and pass all of my classes but you don't see my flaunting it around and trying to prove that I'm better than someone else. That's just not me. For the last 10 minutes of class I had to stop myself from dozing off several times, so when the bell finally rang I was beyond relieved being it was a Friday. Honestly all I could think about was my bed waiting for me at home. All I wanted at this moment was to snuggle amongst the soft sheets and throws on my bed. In a complete haste I returned my books to my locker and beelined to the buses.

The air was crisp it was May and the Spring weather was in full effect. I wrapped my  jean jacket a little tighter around me as the chilly wind began to blow harder. As the bus pulled up I saw in the corner of my eye bright flashing lights and a black Suburban car pulling up. I wasn't fazed though, it's very common to see celebrities in the city, especially downtown. Shaking it off I hurried into the bus desperate to get home. Scrolling through my social media I noticed a few posts saying that Zayn Malik would be in New York City to celebrate the release of his album but I just shrugged it off because I'd never really heard of Zayn Malik before. As the stops pass I look out the window watching all the tall buildings and busy people pass by in a blur. I loved living in the city, there were just so many opportunities and so many things to do. Sadly on a Friday my only plan was to catch some Zs and maybe watch a marathon of whatever was on TV. Part of me wanted to punch the lazy part of me and tell them to go out and have fun but as per usual other side took over as the bus ride began to make me sleepy.

When I got to my stop I quickly scurried off muttering a low "thank you" to the bus driver. My home was only a block away from the bus stop so I quickly walked down the block and finally I was home. When I walked in I was immediately met the the smell of lavender, my parents are obsessed with it and leave lavender candles everywhere. I headed to my room and stripped off all my clothes then headed to the shower. After turning the water on I quickly immerse myself under the hot stream. I wash my unruly brown curls and rinse it out then I began to wash up using some coconut body wash my parents bought for me. Its my favorite because it smells so nice and leaves my skin so soft. After rinsing off and belting a few Beyoncè songs, I stepped out reluctantly, not wanting to meet the cold air outside the bathroom. Securely wrapping the towel around me I step out and walk over to my room. After putting on some underwear and a comfy t-shirt I immediately get in my bed and set an alarm for 6:30pm so I don't miss dinner.

Around 5:40 my phone starts buzzing uncontrollably, not by the alarm but by Alex, my best friend. After 9 years of knowing her Ive learned that being friends with her is a blessing and a curse, but mostly a curse. She had been calling me nonstop. Figuring that it was probably important I pick up the call.

"Ally! Oh my god! I have been calling you for the past hour where are you!?" She screams into the phone much to my dismay.

"I'm at home Alex. I was sleeping." I say sleepily. Feeling grumpy because she disturbed my sleep. There's nothing I hate more than people waking me up from a peaceful slumber.

"Well get up and get dressed! My friends boyfriend is having a party right now and he throws the best parities! Please come! Oh my god you never go anywhere please I promise it will be fu-"
Eager to stop the screaming teen I agree to meet her at the party. I really wanted to sleep in tonight but I guess fate had other plans. I finally manage to crawl out of bed to find something to wear. Deciding on a simple black skater dress and a pair of Chelsea boots I quickly put on some BB Cream and mascara and I'm out the door. I make sure to send my parents a quick text saying that I will be hanging out with my friends Alex and Rosie.

The night air is crisp and for a second I regret wearing a dress. Eager to get out of the cold I hail a cab and pull up to the brownstone in 10 minutes, you can hear the music blasting from down the block. I quickly pay the cabbie and walk towards the building.

As soon as I get inside I am met with the smell of beer and cheap perfume, I immediately spot Alex at the kitchen with our friends Damian and Rosie.

"Hey guys!" I say enthusiastically. They all wave and say their hellos and Alex passes me an ice cold beer. I sip it casually swaying my
body to the music and trying to enjoy myself. After a few hours of belting the songs that played on the speakers, drinking 10 beers and dancing with multiple strangers, I was ready to call it a night. I bid a goodbye to my friends and start heading for the door. With me being slightly intoxicated it wasn't the best idea to walk home at 2 o'clock in the morning but my drunken state was keeping me slightly warm in the brisk weather. I tried desperately to keep it together and walk without stumbling but failed every time. After walking a mere three blocks I sat down on a nearby stoop and tried to get my shit together.

"Hey are you alright?" An unfamiliar voice shouts from a distance. It was a mans voice with a foreign accent. I decided not to reply after assuming that it was probably just some stranger trying to hit on me.
"Hey! Are you okay? Do you need a ride home?" The stranger asks looking at me worriedly. A part of me was terrified out of my mind but another part of me was somewhat relieved that there was someone here and that I wasn't alone out here. I looked up my brown eyes meeting his larger hazel ones, and came to the conclusion that he wasn't here to hurt me.
"No I'm alright I just need to sit down for a minute that's all." I say slurring my words slightly.

"Well then I'll keep you company. If that's alright with you." He said with a comforting smile. It was quite difficult to be afraid of this man. Nothing about him seemed harmful. He just looked at me like he cared so I moved over on the stoop to give him room to sit down.
"Thanks love, but really you shouldn't be out here alone, if you want I'll call you a cab." He said sincerely, as though he knew me personally. Shaking my head I waved him off promising that my house was just down the block and that I just didn't want to go home in this state. He understood but still looked a little off-put, then he started typing away on his phone.

I rested my head on the palm of my hands looking off at the streets and watching as the cars passed by. It was almost impossible to not feel his gaze directly on the side of my face. I look over to find him staring directly at me with a concerned look plastered onto is face.

"Why are you out here all alone? Where are you friends?" He asked again.

"They are all still at the party, I'm pretty capable of getting home on my own." I say tiredly. He didn't buy it for a second.

"Listen say what you want I just requested a cab it should be here in 3 minutes. Please just promise me you'll take it home." He says practically begging. Looking over at him with an annoyed expression but I agree to take the cab. I mean who am I kidding I couldn't go home like this, I could barely walk in a straight line. Walking around the city at this time of night is basically calling for a death wish.

"Okay here's my number just- uh- if you can text me when you get home okay." He says sliding his phone into his pocket and standing up to walk towards the cab that just pulled up. Like a gentleman he opened the door for me to get in, and while I was getting in he grabbed my arm gently helping me get into the car with ease. I look up at him one last time taking him in before muttering a thank you. As I tell the cabbie my address I see him walk over to the passenger side and give the cabbie a few bills.
"Goodnight." He says right as the cab pulls off.


OKAY! This part has been edited... I read over it about 3-4 times so I think it's all good. I will be working on the second chapter within the next couple of hours!

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