Chapter 11

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"What's wrong Haley?" Zayn says as I stare at my phone in shock. My parents will be so upset and I would be grounded for the rest of my life if I don't get home now.

"I have to leave like right now." I say frantically going around and looking for my things. He firmly grabs my shoulders and holds me in place while looking at me.

"Haley your eyes are bloodshot, you can't go back home looking like this." Zayn says scanning my features.

"Well I can't not go home. Do you have eye drops?" I question. He pauses to think for a moment then disappears into the bathroom.

"How upset will your parents be." Zayn asks while gently putting the eyedrops in my eyes. I felt his worried stare. When he's done I blink multiple times and look into the mirror in the living room.

"Well what does 25 unread messages sound like?" I say while packing up my things.

"I'm so sorry babe, I forget you're only 17 sometimes." Zayn says chuckling slightly but it only makes me feel worse. I know this won't last and soon Zayn will go off with some beautiful model and I will only be a distant memory.

"Hey look don't be upset, we will do this again real soon yeah?" He says while lightly stroking my arm. I only nod and begin to leave.

"Wait let me at least call you a cab." Zayn says while typing away on his phone. In about 5 minutes there was a black car that pulled up in front of the lobby entrance. Zayn looked at me sympathetically and I placed a light kiss on his lips.

"Thank you so much for tonight, I had a great time." I say chuckling slightly. He nods in response smiling slightly.

"Goodnight Haley." He calls out as I disappear into the cab.

You don't know anxiety until you've been in a situation like this. I couldn't even enjoy the calm of the ride home because of the sickening feeling I felt in my stomach. Coming home to angry parents is the most terrifying experience. I nervously tap my foot on the floor of the cab thinking of all the best case scenarios. They could just be worried and be so happy to see me that they don't even remember to ground me. Or they could care less about grounding me and just give me a lecture about staying out late. While these sounded good in my head I know my parents well enough to know that they will not react in this way.

When the driver stops in front of my house the nerves really kick in and I had no way of stalling because Zayn had already paid for my cab. Sighing heavily I step out and walk into my house. There my parents are sitting on the couch together typing away at their phones, most likely sending me messages. They finally look up, disappointment written all over their faces, it's enough to make me feel incredibly guilty already.

"Haley, oh my god! Where have you been? You just disappear and don't contact us for hours!" My mother says waving her arms around dramatically.

"Mom I'm so sorry, I had every intention to tell you guys where I was but I totally forgot." I say lamely.

"Well where were you?" My dad questions.

"Well, uh I was on a date." I squeak.

"A date! You're hanging around with some boy we don't even know at this time of night. He could easily take advantage of you or worst kill you!" My dad says dramatically.

"Dad I'm 17 don't you trust me enough to know that I will make smart choices when it comes to these things?" I plead.

"Absolutely not. You can not see that boy anymore Haley you're too young to date." My father says dismissing us while leaving the room. I sigh in frustration and look over to my mother.

"I'm just trying to understand what I did wrong. How could I not have known! You were lying this whole time about where you've been! Haven't you?" She questions angrily. I try to meet her gaze but it's too late and she's 100% correct, I tell them I'm with Rosie or Damien when I go out with Zayn. I nod my head timidly with my eyes glued to the floor.

"I knew it! Haley I'm so disappointed with you. How could you lie to us? I bet you've been having sex. You need to be focusing on you school work and not some boy. I hope you know that your beyond grounded!" My mom says pacing around as though I just told her I was pregnant. I'm 17 I should be able to date, but my mothers old school mentality negates that entirely. I should have known they were going to react this way, but lying would have only made things worse.

"Mom I'm not having sex and I'm 17 for crying out loud I should be able to date!" I say frustrated. My mom shakes her head disappointed.

"We decide when your ready to date Haley. You're far to young and you lack responsibly. From now on you come home straight after school and on the weekends you should be studying." My mom says dismissing me.

I just nod and head over to my room. Extremely annoyed I jump onto my bed and pull out my phone to see that there are 2 text messages from Zayn asking how I was, and I quickly reply that I'm fine. Right before I go off into a deep slumber zayn sends me another text.

'What do you say to date #2? Meet me at my place tmm at 3. Dress warm! x'

Completely disregarding that fact that I am in deep shit with my parents I write back.

'How could I say no :)?'

Not proud of this chapter at all but I needed to get this out because I've already worked on the upcoming chapters! I can promise you that there will be no more lame chapters!

Tati x

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