Chapter 8

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I never knew how much of an impact Zayn had on me until I didn't speak to him for almost 2 weeks. I know it sounds dumb but despite what he's done I'm finding it hard to dismiss him from my life. When I was younger my mother always taught me to stand my ground and not to let people walk all over me. She told me that the world is a cold place and that all people will try to do is beat you down and that your job is to show them that you can make it through. But she also told me to follow my heart and to trust my gut. With my mother being the strong woman she is I made sure to listen and do everything in my power to be just like her. Thinking back on it, it was quite unfair that I didn't let Zayn fully explain himself but now I have a clear head and would like to know what he was going to say. I mean it's not like he hasn't tried, he's left flowers on my door step almost everyday and called relentlessly. I need to give the guy a chance. It was a Friday and I had no intentions on leaving my house and all my friends ditched me because they were sick of me moping. I headed to my kitchen to grab a snack and saw a figure from the window, curious I pushed back the curtain and peeked through and there he was. He wore black jeans and a black button up shirt, his hair was now pink and a bit longer than before but overall he looked amazing. It was odd seeing him in the flesh and not just through the screen of my phone. I knew that I wanted to fix things with Zayn but now that he's actually here, I'm finding it hard to go out there. He placed he flowers on the step like he does all the time and  steps back, I take this as my chance. As soon as I get outside Zayn is already turned and walking down the street.

"Wait, uh, Zayn!" I call out waving my hand slightly. When he turned around his face was a mixture of shocked and happy. I couldn't even control my body at this point because before I knew it I was running out of my house and right into his arms. His familiar scent of cigarettes and cologne invade my senses as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. Neither of us uttered a word we just stood there hugging for what seemed like hours. All I could think about at this moment was how much I missed him.

"Haley, I've missed you. A lot actually." He chuckles while tucking a piece of my curly hair behind my ear.

"I've missed you too and I was thinking, I should have heard you out that day I was just really angry and didn't know how to handle it." I say nuzzling my head into his hand.

"I understand really, I mean what I did back there was a dick move but there are reasons and I really want you to hear me out. Haley please trust me when I say this, I would never want to hurt you like that ever again." He says grabbing my hand. I nod a blush creeping up to my cheeks and lead Zayn into my house.

"I loved the flowers by the way." I say chuckling as I scoop the flowers up. Zayn looks around the apartment and plops himself on the couch while I throw out the other flowers and put the new ones in the vase.

"So, wine and romantic comedies?" Zayn questions with a smile pointing out the bottles of wine scattered on the table along with my top secret collection of the best romantic comedies. A panic takes over me and I find myself quickly removing the things back to their respective places. He can't know that I was a mess these last 2 weeks and drowned my sorrows in wine and RomComs.

"I think my mom left this out." I say nervously chuckling. I sit on the couch beside him and the awkward tension starts.

"I'm seeing Isabel for publicity." Zayn blurts out.

"She's great for my image and apparently I need as much exposure as possible until I become the well known respected artist that I want to be. It wasn't something that I was 100% down for and of course the first thing that came to mind when my label proposed the idea was you. But I just thought I'd just do it for a month tops because they just wouldn't drop the idea." Zayn explains and it doesn't make me feel any better. What if he develops real feelings for her? What if he forgets about me? I shake the idea out of my head shuddering.

"Uh, well what about us? Zayn I'm sure your label wouldn't like it if you were seen out with two different girls." I say sighing rubbing my temples.

"Yeah uh I know. I was thinking we just lay low and wait until this whole thing with Isabel is over then it will just be me and you." Zayn says grabbing my hands but I still feel uneasy. Does he really expect me to wait around while he goes off and travels the world with Isabel. That would kill me, immensely.

"Zayn I don't know if that will work, I mean I just can't handle all of this. I need to think about it." I say getting up off the couch and heading towards the kitchen. Zayn is quick to follow a frown set on his face.

"Haley, I really care about you I do. It's just hard to go against anything my label says. I tried to get out of it I really did but the best they could do is shorten the fake relationship. Haley trust me what I see in you I could never see in her. And I only want you." Zayn says kissing my temple as he trails his finger across my jaw. My body immediately responds and I find myself pressing my body closer to his.

"Zayn I really want this to work but I just can't handle a heartbreak." I say wrapping my arms around his neck and looking up at him.

"Babe I don't intend to breaking your heart. Ever." He says before pressing his lips onto mine passionately. His hands travel down to my waist and firmly holds me. My hands slowly trail up and I rake my fingers through his hair gently. He held me so cautiously as though he didn't want me to break. But just as his hands trailed down to my pants we hear the door open. Zayn and I immediately detach ourselves from one another and create about 12 inches of space between us.

"Haley you have mail from that college for early admiss- Oh uh hi, Zayn was it?" My mom says taken aback by the situation. All I want to do is face palm because this is the second time we almost got caught. Zayn and I's heavy breathing could be heard from a mile away and our disheveled appearance doesn't help at all. My mom mutters something but clears her throat and leaves the room but not before mouthing to me "we'll talk later."

"Look Zayn I really want this to work but all I can see right now is red flags but as much as I want to walk away I can't. I'm willing to work through this with you." I tell him and a huge smile takes over his features. He grabs me in tight embrace and kisses my head.

"I know that we can get through this. Listen Haley I want to take you out tonight." Zayn says walking towards the front door.

"Zayn we can't be seen out together, that's not the best idea." I say regretting the words because there's nothing more I want than to go out with him.

"I know I know but what if we make it fun? Let's go out in disguise and hide from the press? C'mon it would be fun!" Zayn says getting excited and any sane person would say yes just to keep that stupid grin on his face.

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