Chapter 7

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Zayn and I texted and Skyped the majority of the time he was away. Through the long boring hours of school and way late a night I made sure to be ready to talk to him because as much as I hate to admit it, he's really growing on me. I know it sounds stupid and the better part of me knows better, I just can't help but feel this way when he's saying really nice things that always make my day and making an effort to talk to me even if it's for a little while. I know I may be looking into things too much but I think we may be 'seeing each other,' but I don't want to get my hopes up so I'll just keep it to myself.
Zayn was set to come back tonight and I couldn't wait to see him. I planned to meet him at the airport and surprise him, so right after my last class I would take a cab to JFK and BAM Surprise! Because of Zayns status, it wasn't hard to figure out when and where he would be landing (thank you Twitter).
To say I was antsy in my last class would be an understatement, I was tapping my foot and watching the clock relentlessly and when class was finally over I practically ran out of school.
It was 6:50pm and Zayns flight was supposed to land at 6:40pm meaning he should be on his way any moment now. I was waiting in the general area right by the exit closest to his gate and as I looked around the airport I noticed several groups of girls scattered around the area looking anxious and prepared with their phones out. I figured out that they are waiting for Zayn too and I begin to get nervous. What if he didn't want to see me here, like in public or what if he doesn't even see me at all because of the amount of people here. But you're different, my subconscious tells me and its true, I mean I actually know him so he would most definitely acknowledge me, right? Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a loud squeal. I immediately spring up from my seat and walk over to the place where all the commotion was happening. There were flashes everywhere and crowds of girls circling him but I really needed to see him so I push my way through the crowd. Once I'm in the front of the growing mob I am shocked to see Zayn with a beautiful blonde attached to his arm. All the wind is knocked out of me when he places a kiss to her hand. I could already feel tears forming in my eyes and all of the constant shouting could not be heard. All that could be heard is my pounding heart and the snaps from the cameras. I try last thing to see if I really mean anything to him.

"Zayn!" I shout at the top of my lungs almost tapping his arm. The crowd is relentless and is pushing me around in all directions but I am determined. I call his name one more time and he finally turns and meets my gaze. His expression reads shock then turns into an emotionless glare and he turns away leaving the mob and leaving me heartbroken. I think the girls saw Zayn look at me too because they were all looking at me with wide eyes as if I did something wild.

"Oh my god! He totally looked at you I saw it!" She says frantically along with other girls but my face reads anything but excitement. I think the girls caught on because they all hug me tightly and one of the girls even whispers to me, "Its alright, you'll get to meet him one day." If only you knew, I thought before leaving the airport.
"How could he do that to me I mean why would he, like ugh! I don't get it he talks to me for two weeks straight and he can't even give a slight wave at the fucking airport! Oh and practically throw it in my face that he has a girlfriend or whatever! I knew it was too good to be true, I should have bet money!" I practically scream while pacing around my living room. It's almost 11 o'clock and all I could think about since I left the airport is Zayn. Alex made sure to come over and check up on me when she figured out how angry I was.

"I don't know Hale, I don't get it either! I mean I for sure thought he was into you." Alex says with her head resting on her hands.

"All I know is he better not come up with some lame excuse and tell me the truth! I don't even want to talk to him, that's actually the last thing I want- I am cut off my a few knocks at my door. I tell Alex I'd be right back and that is most likely my parents and to wait in my room. When I got to the door I was a mixture of angry and happy when Zayn came in my view. He looked so good, he shaved off all his hair and dyed it blonde. I can't believe I didn't notice it at the airport. Oh yeah the airport, I'm still angry about that.

"Listen Haley we really need to talk about what happened back there." Say says with regretful eyes, but they're not regretful enough to make me less angry. All I could do was stare at him, I couldn't even formulate sentences properly.

"I- I just don't get it Zayn, I mean we talk all the time and we've shared some intimate moments that I've never shared with anyone else and you make me feel all special and shit then when I try to surprise you at the airport you completely humiliate me! You didn't even acknowledge me! And who was that girl Zayn because I'm pretty sure you told me you didn't have a girlfriend! God how could I be so stupid and naive to think you'd actually be into me." I say laughing with tears running down my cheeks. I look like a fool but I don't care I've been wanting to tell him this all night and it feels good to finally get it off my chest.

"Stop it Haley you know good and damn well that I care about you, I really do and back there was all just a misunderstanding, I uh I-"

"Save it Zayn please just don't contact me anymore I really can't handle it." I cut him off, I knew he was just going to feed me bullshit and lies but the other part of me thought he would be honest with me. I start to close the door but Zayn puts his foot between it.

"Please babe just hear me out." Zayn says softly.

"I can't right now Zayn, I- I just can't." I say before closing the door completely and walking into my room. Alex was on my bed completely knocked out with spongebob playing on the TV. Any other day this would make me laugh but I'm finding it hard to muster a smile.

So short I know IM SORRY! But I really wanted to get this out today! Another update coming up tomorrow!!!

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