Chapter 10

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Zayns hands roughly griped my hips as his lips connected with mine in a steamy and passionate kiss. He was more than eager to get us home because we arrived at his New York apartment in 10 minutes. He placed kisses all over my neck as I trailed my hands up to his wig to take it off. As I go about it I couldn't help but chuckle. I've never been in a situation where I was making out with a guy and had to take his wig off. Zayn hears me chuckle and joins in bringing his hands down to my hips lazily holding them. A gleam of light flashes through his eyes as he pulls back slightly. I sigh loudly obviously frustrated that he stopped midway.

"I want to show you something." He says smiling as he grabs my hand and leads me through his apartment. As we walk down the long hallway I notice all of the doors, and I wonder what could possibly be behind all these doors but Zayn walks passes each one of them until we reach one at the end of the hallway.

"I never really show people this room, like ever. But I really want to show you some of my work." He says opening the door with a small key. Inside there was abeautiful the art studio, it was a bit messy with paintings and sketches thrown around but it still enticed me nonetheless. He looks at me with a grin and shows me around. The room was covered in once white walls which were now adorned with swirls of colors and cartoon characters, except for one of the walls which was covered in exposed brick with a large couch perched in front of it.

"Zayn this place is amazing, if I had a studio like this is never leave." I say plopping down on the couch smiling widely. He chuckles in response and sits next to me on the couch.

"I never really do leave this place, unless I have to work or see you." He says looking down at me. I smile in response  but hop off of the couch quickly and investigate the art around us. I trace my fingers over the harsh lines in one of his unfinished pieces which was thrown on a table. I feel his eyes on me as I scan the room and look at all of the canvases full of color and emotion. It crazy how seeing someone's art could really give you insight into how a person thinks and how they feel. Zayn stays perched on the couch until I reach a painting in the far corner of the room. It's the silhouette of a woman's body.

"I've been working on this one and it's just not looking right." He says looking at the painting almost sadly. I was beyond confused at his opinion of the piece because u though it was beautiful. The woman was sprawled out with bright colors swirling around her and her hair gradually branching out to the swirls.

"Zayn this piece is beautiful." I exclaim holding on to his hand.

"But it doesn't quite capture her full beauty, it needs to be prefect like she is." Zayn says looking at me intensely. I began to grow suspicious,who this girl in the painting? I don't know if I should be offended that he's so captivated by this girl but I can't help but feel a little jealous. I cross my arms and walk else where obviously upset. Zayn notices my change of attitude and is hot on my tail.

"Haley what's wrong babe." He says stroking my arms after coming face to face with me. I roll my eyes and huff in response.

"I don't know Zayn, like I know we aren't exclusive or anything but like I didn't think that we were seeing other people, like really seeing other people. I mean you paint this beautiful picture of some girl and expect me to be okay with it." I say pacing around.

"Haley, Haley! Don't you get it? The picture is of you." He says chuckling slightly. My shoulders slump and I pout, suddenly feeling pretty shitty about my outburst. Zayn wraps me in a tight embrace.

"Haley I don't want anyone else besides you. You're all I ever think about." He whispers before connecting his lips with mine in a soft passionate kiss. I kiss back with this same passion feeling overwhelmed with emotion because of the painting and what he just said. He pulls back and smiles at me in pure admiration.

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