Chapter 2

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To say that I was confused when I got home would be an understatement. In recollecting the events from earlier night I remembered that I was out alone and a strange yet handsome man approached me, got me a cab and gave me his number. I sat up in my bed for a few minutes just playing on my phone before deciding to send him a quick text letting him know that I got home safely. Afterwards I went directly to sleep not bothering to shower or change out of my party clothes.

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache and drool all over my face. My hair was matted and last nights makeup seemed to have melted down my face, in shorter words I looked disgusting. After quickly stripping off all of the clothes from last night I got into the shower. When I was done washing up and getting dressed I decided to get some food.

"Good afternoon sweetie! How was your day yesterday?" My mom asked sweetly while kissing my forehead.

"It was fun, I went to w party with Rosie." I say briefly so she wouldn't pry. My mom didn't know that I drink at parties and I'm trying to keep it that way. I don't think she'd be upset I mean what do you expect from a 17 year old girl in New York but I wouldn't want to find out.

"I'm so glad you went out yesterday!" She says smiling brightly.

"By the way I left breakfast on the table. Your dad and I will be going out to dinner with some people from our job at their lake house. Don't wait up. Why don't you invite Rosie over. I like her, oh I also left $100 by the door for you." She says while putting on her earrings and gathering her things. I nod silently from the island while I munch on my pancake as I watch her head out the door. In the next couple hours I had managed to watch several episodes of friends and finish all of my breakfast. Sitting around was starting to get to me and I figured I didn't want to be alone on Saturday so I picked up my phone to call Rosie ignoring the text messages on the screen.

"Hey Rosie what are you up to today?" I say while jumping onto my bed.

"Nothing interesting I have to go to some family event with my dad." She said sadly. Her parents are divorced so she spends one week with his new family and the other with her mothers new family. It's really hard on her but she's so strong.

"Oh okay well try to make the best of it okay!" I say.

"Thanks I'll try and listen let's have a lazy Sunday at my place?" She says enthusiastically.

"I'm down." I say before bidding a goodbye.

Since Rosie had plans I decide to take a walk over to Starbucks, the weather channel said high 70s so it was a perfect day for a walk. I decided on a pair of black jeans and a loose white t-shirt. After pocketing my wallet, phone, keys and putting on my sneakers, I was out the door.

My first stop was a local thrift shop. They always had cute things at a really reasonable price. After shopping around for a while I finally picked out a pair of jeans and two sweaters. While I was waiting on line I decided to check my unread text messages, I had 3 messages, 2 from Rosie and Alex and 1 from an unknown number. I figured it was the same guy from last night, I was nervous but also slightly excited to see what he had texted me.


'Hey I'm glad that you got home safely. I know this is strange but maybe if you're not busy tomorrow would you like go go for coffee or something. Idk but honestly I just can't get you out of my mind.'

After reading the message my heart was beating so fast. I was shocked, happy, confused about what he had said. Not many guys are interested in me and from what I can remember he was extremely handsome. I didn't have a clue of what to text back.

"Next on line." An older woman called out snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly paid for my things and headed outside. I sat down on a nearby bench in front of a frozen yogurt place. After much thinking I decided that I would go get coffee with him. It wasn't a big deal really and he did help me out a lot yesterday.

To: Unknown

'Hey, sorry I just saw your message. I'm down for coffee if you still want to go...'

I decide to send that and completely disregard the last part of his text so that we can just talk about that later. I sat on the bench for a while just enjoying the nice weather before my phone buzzed twice. I quickly pulled my phone out.

From: Unknown

'Of course I'm still down, I could pick you up.'

'If that's okay with you.'

I quickly text back.

To: Unknown

'No need I'm already out. Meet me at the Starbucks on 72nd Street and Broadway Avenue.'

From: Unknown

'Noted will be there soon'

After I finished texting I started to make my way uptown. I was already on 68th street so it didn't take too long to get to 72nd. By the time I reached the Starbucks he was already there. I clearly remember his face, he had short buzzed hair and a beard. And as I got closer I started to remember other aspects of his face. His chiseled jawline, big hazel brown eyes and cute pouted lips. He was for sure a 10/10 in my book. The closer I got to him the more nervous I became. I just didn't know what to expect and couldn't understand how someone like him could be interested in me.

"Hey, good afternoon...." He said waiting for me to tell him my name.

"Oh, uh Haley, but most people just call me Hale." I say extending my hand out to him awkwardly.

"Beautiful name. Haley. I'm Zayn by the way." He says shaking my hand and flashing me a dashing smile.

Oh, Zayn like Zayn the celebrity? Like the Zayn who is currently shooting a music video? Oh shit. I awkwardly stare at him in realization.

"Oh so you've noticed me." He says with a slight laugh. I blush immensely.

"Uh not really, I mean I've heard of you but not really like uh yeah." I say awkwardly.

His gaze is so intense, I felt like he was staring into my soul. It was hard to look him in the eyes, so I didn't. Finally it was our turn to order, I ordered a white chocolate mocha and Zayn just ordered a cup of coffee. After much insistence he paid for the drinks and we sat at a nearby booth.

"So Haley, tell me about yourself. I'd love to get to know you. I don't know what it is but you're just so intriguing." He basically purred while taking a sip of his coffee. I let out an unsettling chuckle and looked down at my cup.

"Well what do you want to know." I say while taking a sip of my latte.

"Anything, surprise me." He says with a smile.

"I don't know... I'm not really that interesting." I say casually tucking a loose curl behind my ear.

"I find that hard to believe." He says looking at me questionably with a slight frown.

"Listen I'm having a party for the release of my music video on Monday and I would love it if you came. I'll leave your name on the VIP list." He said smoothly. I couldn't help but blush, this was nothing like I thought it would be. I just got asked out by a well known music artist.
"I'll be there!" I say smiling broadly. I was honestly so excited, I had never been to a release party.

"I'm glad. Listen I have a few things to do this evening but I really hope you can make it out on Monday." He said stroking my hand softly. Had it been anyone else I would have been uncomfortable but I got goosebumps just by the way he said my name. I could barely utter a word so I just nodded.

"Alright until then Haley." He says sweetly. After saying our goodbyes we left the Starbucks and went our separate ways. Zayn insisted he'd get me a ride home but I decided to just walk back home. The weather was beautiful and I needed some time to think. Just a moment ago an extremely handsome man just asked me out. I just couldn't believe it, how did I get so lucky? All I knew was I needed to take this opportunity by the throat and make the most of it. I won't chicken out and miss out on a chance to have a great time with Zayn. I wanted excitement, and now I've got it.
Late I know but I will try to update again tomorrow! Things will get a bit more spicy!
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