Chapter 9

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Okay I know the wait has been way too long but I have no excuses other than I suck and was away without my phone in Costa Rica. I will make this chapter extra juicy and long to make up for it! It's just weird because I didn't think people would actually read this book and I check and there's over 13k reads! I know that's not a lot to some but for me that's plenty! Thank you everyone for reading this book and thank you for sticking with it though the long ass updates... I'll get better with it now that im not doing anything! I'll update today and tomorrow and try to keep it more constant! Thank you sm!!!
-Tati xo


"Zayn that wig is beyond ridiclious and extremely obvious!" I say while uncontrolably laughing. Zayn and I had been going through my chest of old halloween costumes trying to find something to disguise him in. So far all we've come across was a rainbow colored wig, a french moustache and light up sunglasses.

"I know but i havent seen anything else that would actually work." Zayn says sighing. It was kind of hard to take him serious with the blonde wig he was now wearing but after a minute of thinking it came to me.

"Hold on let me see that wig!" I say suddenly reaching out for the wig, Zayn flinched at my sudden outburst but continued to take the wig off. I take the wig and head over to the bathroom. I begin cutting the wig making it more masculine. When im finished I clean up the hair and examine the wig, it looks really good plus I think Zayn would look really good as a blonde.

"And voilà! One blonde wig for the one and only Zayn Malik!" I say presenting it to him. He laughs but nods in approval of the wig. After giving him one of my oversized flannels we decided he was well disguised and ready to go.

"I've made reservations for one of my favorite places, I go here anytime I'm in New York. I used the name Chad Dylan."Zayn says smiling from ear to ear. He grabs my hand in his and places a kiss on it as we head out to his car.

I watch Zayn intently as he drums his fingertips on the wheel and hums along to the frank ocean song that was playing in the background. He hits every note perfectly adding riffs and getting completely lost in the music causing goosebumps to form on my arms. I think Zayn was aware of my staring because a wide grin spreads across his face and he looks over at me.

"You quite done starin'?" He questions with his eyebrow quirked. I only blush and look away only slightly embarrassed that he caught me. He chuckles lightly and places his hand on my thigh and for a second I feel as though all the wind has been knocked out of my chest. It still amazed me what an effect he had on me, a simple gesture like this has got me swooning over him. I find it exciting but also scary. I am well aware that Zayn is WAY out of my league and that I am lucky to be here with him but Zayn is a celebrity and deep down I know that a simple girl like me would never be enough for him. He should be with a supermodel and he could be, which is why I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he's here with me. Getting lost in my thoughts it must have completely went over my head that the car was stopped and a very concerned Zayn was staring over at me. I do my best to cover up my worried expression with a happy one as I look up at him, but he wasn't buying it.

"Haley what's wrong? You've been staring out of the window for a minute now." Zayn says collecting my hands in his. I quickly shake my head and shrug unable and embarrassed to put my insecurities into to words. I didn't want Zayn to see me as weak and naive. He doesn't push the topic but his frown never fades. I try my best to tell him that everything is okay and that I'm fine but I can tell he doesn't fully believe me.
"I usually order the pesto and ricotta ravioli because it's like a party in your mouth." Zayn says eyes glittering with excitement over the items on the menu. When we arrived here under the name of Chad Dylan the waiter was confused undoubtedly recognizing Zayn despite his disguise but Zayn slipped the guy some money in order to keep his whereabouts unknown.
"I think I'm going to get the alfredo pasta, it's my favorite, because it's like a rave on my tongue." I say making fun of Zayns description of the food. He only sticks his tongue out at me and calls the waiter over to take our orders. This place was insanely fancy and I couldn't help but feel underdressed in my simple black dress and black Mary Janes. Zayn always looks amazing, he's currently wearing my jean flannel with black skinny jeans and a black shirt and he looks better than everyone here. After a bit of small talk and sweet compliments thrown back and fourth across the table our food arrived.

"This food almost looks better than you do." Zayn says eyes glittering with humor.

"Well then, it looks like that food will be the only thing you will be eating today." I say jokingly and Zayn nearly chokes on his pasta. Quickly he recovers and looks at me with wide eyes. I laugh at his astonishment but shrug it off and start to eat my pasta, which was possibly the best pasta I've ever eaten in my whole existence.

"You don't really mean that." Zayn says his voice dropping a few octaves lower, as if that's even possible. I shudder at his tone, the whole humorous vibe gone and replaced with sexual tension and lust. His eyes don't leave mine as he awaits my answer with a quirked brow but I am way out of my element and can barely meet his gaze. He shoots me a wink and traces shapes on my hand with his fingertips.

"Haley you have no idea of the things I want to do to you babygirl." Zayn says looking at me admirably. It was one of those looks you see in the movies where you swear to yourself you'd want a guy to look at you like that one day.

"You're right, I have no clue. Care to elaborate." I challenge quirking an eyebrow still buzzing with anticipation. He smirks and chuckles slightly.

"I've heard actions speak louder than words, and I tend to live by that, so you're just gonna have to find out first hand." He says sending me one last look before finishing his food. With about 4 bites of food left I began to get full and was fully aware of Zayns eyes on me the entire time I was eating. I know there was something on his mind and I know it had everything to do with our conversation from earlier. I was both excited and nervous but all in all ready.

"Well I cannot eat another bite. Thanks for the dinner it was delicious." I say holding on to my stomach for emphasis. He grins ear to ear and nods signaling for the waiter to take his card and pay.

"I'm glad to hear that babe, but I hope you saved room for dessert." He says with a smirk.

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