Chapter 12

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"Haley wake up!" My mom shakes me softly out of my deep slumber. This is an everyday thing to be honest. I'm a incredibly hard sleeper and it takes an army to wake me up. I hear her calling and feel her shaking my body but try my best to ignore it and go back to sleep. I completely get up when my mom tells me that she would go get water to wake me up.

"Ah I knew that would work." My mom says more to herself than anything. I groan in frustration and lazily look over to her.

"Look I wanted to tell you that your dad and I need to leave to California because of a family emergency, your dads aunt is in the hospital, and it's pretty bad. We wanted to take you but we cannot have you missing days of school. One of my good friends will be checking in every once in a while we're gone to make sure that you're not off doing... whatever it is you do, which I don't want to know. Haley please be mature and listen to what she says and we will discuss ungrounding you when we get back." My mom kisses my head before telling me that there's money for me on my dresser and leaving my room. I sigh heavily, what do I do? Should I still go with Zayn tonight or should I just stay home? I do want to respect my parents but I just can't let go of the feeling I get when I sneak around with Zayn, it's so exhilarating and exciting. I look over to my alarm clock and see that it's only 10am I quickly use the bathroom and brush my teeth before going to the kitchen to make breakfast. I see my parents getting their suitcases and there's an awkward silence that sets upon us. We all stand in the living room not even bothering to look at one another.

"Well I hope you have a safe flight." I say enthusiasticly while embracing both of my parents only to have them lazily return before saying goodbye and heading out the door. I hate that it's so tense between us I want them to trust me but I also want them to know that I should be able to make my own decisions.

Shaking my head I head over to the kitchen and start making my brunch. Cooking for me is therapeutic, once I get into the groove I almost don't notice anything around me. I've loved to cook since I was a child, where then my specialty was peanut butter sandwiches. I smile at the thought as I sauté the potatoes and peppers in a skillet. Right before I am able to start on the eggs I hear my phone buzzing.

"Hello?" I say into the phone not even bothering to see who it was calling.

"Good afternoon Haley." He chimes into the phone. If it weren't for the accent I wouldn't have known who it was. I smile widely at the sound of his voice.

"Hey Zayn what are you doing right now?" I ask while maintaining the food cooking on the stove.

"Nothing at all but I just finished finalizing our plans for today. You still want to go right?" He asks worriedly. I shake my head and smile.

"Of course you doofus!" I say chuckling.

"Well I'm glad. What are you doing right now." Zayn asks.

"I'm just making brunch but you know I think I made a little too much food." I hint a smirk plastered on my face.

"Oh really? Well we don't want that food to go to waste do we?" Zayn questions.

"Nope." I say popping the 'P'.

"Well then I'll be there in 5." Zayn says before hanging up. I clear the table and set up the sliced strawberries on the table along with  coffee and its fixings. On two plates I serve the potatoes, eggs and sliced avocado, it looks amazing. I smile at the table of food before averting my attention to man knocking at my door.

"That was fast." I say after greeting him and leading him into the apartment. He chuckles slightly and takes off his coat, his sent automatically filling the room.

"Well I had to beat the paparazzi, they were outside my apartment because I was supposed to go on a 'date' with Isabel today. But I'd much rather be here with you." He says before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I automatically kiss back, loving the feeling of his lips on mine. When we disconnect I point over to the table and his eyes widen at all of the food.

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