Chapter 4

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The whole ride Zayns focus was on the road speeding past all of the cars and lights without any regards to the people around him. His eyebrows were scrunched up in concentration and every so often he would glance in my direction. I began to think, Zayn probably wants to have sex and I'm a virgin and I started to picture all of the worse case scenarios, Zayn laughing when he finds out or him not wanting anything to do with me. At this moment I loathed my age I wish I could be more mature for him. Should I act like I know what I'm doing or be honest so that he could take it slow? I think Zayn noticed my nervous state because he placed his hand on my leg soothing any fears I had before.
Finally we arrive at a beautiful apartment complex that looks as if it's about 100 stories tall. Zayn opens the door for me and leads me out and into the apartment. Zayn tells the clerk at the front desk that he wants an express elevator to floor 40, wow. We quickly scurry into the elevator and as soon as the doors close Zayn is all over me. He places harsh kisses along my neck and jawline while unzipping my dress on the side and sticking his hands underneath the fabric to cup my bare breasts. I moan lowly at the way his fingertips squeeze my nipples and the way his tongue swirls around on my neck. As if on instinct my hands find there way to his hair gripping it softly trailing down to his neck. Finally the elevator comes to a halt and the pad in the corner of the elevator requests a five digit code. Zayn types in the code effortlessly without detaching himself from me. We both stumble into what looks like the living room. Zayn finally detaches himself from me and looks me in the eyes.
"Go right to that bedroom and when I get in there that pretty dress of yours better be on the floor." He says pointing to the room but walking in another direction. I was unsure and nervous as hell but I still made my way to what looked like his bedroom. The thought of Zayn dominating me scared me but also turned me on so much. Never have I ever been the riled up before. After closing the door halfway I took off  the dress and threw it on a chair in the corner. I felt very exposed, I sat on his bed waiting for a while and my head was spinning. The most I've ever done with a guy is some over the pants action, I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I remained calm and put on a brave face but even that didn't stop my erratic heart from beating. Finally Zayn appeared through the door topless with just his briefs on.
"You're even more beautiful than I thought." He says, his eyes never leaving my body. It's eyes traveled up and down my body as he bit down on his bottom lip. Zayn makes his way towards me painstakingly slow and puts his hands on my waist.
"I want to make you feel so good babygirl. Do you want me to?" He says so close to my ear that I could feel his hot breath. At this point I'm a panting mess. He's barely touching me yet he has me feeling this way. Unable to speak I nod my head. He smirks and shakes his head.
"No no, big girls use their words, tell me what you want me to do." He says rubbing circles on my hip bones and kissing my shoulder softly. I resist the urge to moan and reply breathlessly.
"Please touch me." He smirks at my request.
"Lay down flat on the bed." He says while palming himself over his boxers slowly. I bite my lip at the sight. I lay flat on the bed with my elbows propping me up so that I could see him. He makes his was over to the bed and hovers over me.
"You're so beautiful babe, you know that right?" He asks kissing me everywhere but my lips, he kisses me down my jaw to my neck then finally makes his way up again attaching his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. Without breaking the kiss Zayn brings his hands down to my underwear and starts rubbing up and down my slit through the lacy material. I gasp at the sudden contact. I've never been touched like this before, he knows exactly how to touch me and drive me insane. Breaking the kiss I throw my head back in pleasure as he begins to add more pressure to the assault on my bottom half. When I look up he's staring at me intently with lustful eyes.
"Hm you like that, Huh?" He says stopping and taking the lace off in one swift motion.
"I can't wait to taste you Haley. Do you want me to, tell me you want me to." He says hovering over me and blowing over my slit causing goosebumps to form on my arms. At this point I'm desperate for any contact. All this teasing almost has me sweating.
"Fuck, please Zayn, please taste me." I nearly beg. At that instant Zayn attaches his lips to my most sensitive area causing me to moan out loud. He really knows what he's doing, he swirls his tongue all around hitting all the right places. I've never been this vulnerable before, I was a panting mess grasping Zayns hair with my hands and pushing him closer for more contact. He looks at me his lips glistening with my arousal.
"Do you want me to make you cum? Fuck Haley you look so hot begging for me" He says now stroking himself harder trying to get himself off.
"P-please." I moan out. I was so close I could feel my high approaching. Out of nowhere Zayn adds on finger in me curling and pumping fast while using his mouth to suck harshly. Zayn starts to pump faster and harder all while continuing to stoke himself.
"Fuck." He calls out breathlessly moaning loudly as he reaches his high. After a few more pumps my body shakes in pleasure as I reach mine. After coming down both Zayn and I lay breathlessly on our backs looking at the ceiling.
"How was that." Zayns asks cockily.
"So good." I reply catching my breath.
Zayn quickly gets up to clean himself up in one of the bathrooms after laying out a fluffy while towel and some pajamas which consisted of s pair of his unused boxer breifs and a large t-shirt with a ransoms indie band on it. I stand up with wobbly legs and use his directions and make my way over to the bathroom. Inside the bathroom is even nicer than I thought it would be. The tiles were white and tan on the walls and the floor was a beautiful white marble. On one side of the room there was a large jacuzzi tub with jets and numerous body washes and soaps. On the other side was a standing shower with a bench and a shower head that took up the whole ceiling where the shower was present. I had a hard time choosing but I decided on a bath. Might as well get the full experience. I sit on a chair in the corner by the tub while the water fills up and I start to think. I couldn't believe what happened, and what I just did with... Zayn Malik. I was still stunned by it all. Finally the tub filled up and I filled it with bath salts and bubbles before getting in. After soaking in the rose scented water and enjoying the jets that pounded on my tense muscles, Zayn entered slowly a smile on his face. He was wearing grey sweats and a white shirt. I didn't understand how he could make sweats and a shirt look so good.
"Hello Haley, I hope you're enjoying your bath. I quite like them myself." He says while sitting on the chair next to the tub.
"Yes it's lovely thank you." I say looking down slightly embarrassed that he's in the room while I was bathing.
"You deserve it lovely." He says sweetly making me blush. Zayn and I joked around and shared funny stories for the next hour, it felt so natural and I thoroughly enjoyed his company. Zayn offered to help me wash up but I declined nicely. Even after the intimate moment we just shared I still felt timid around him. After I was finished washing up I stepped out the tub and dried off, I used a bottle of lotion that was on the counter called 'Midnight Mimosa' and it smelled lovely. I stepped out in his shirt and boxers feeling more hungry than ever. I realized that I didn't get a chance to eat all night. As if Zayn was reading my mind he called me over to the kitchen. I walk in surprised as the smell of ginger and sesame fill my senses.
"While you were bathing I called for Chinese. I didn't know what you liked so I got a bit of everything." He says sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck. I thanked him and Zayn led me over to his dining table which was filled with all types of food in white containers with silver spoons in each dish like a buffet. I nearly cried at the sight of off the delicious food. My stomach was doing backflips at the sight of it all. I grabbed a plate from the corner of the table and spooned a bit of everything on the plate before sitting down across from Zayn and digging in.
"Quite hungry are we?" Zayn questions making me slow down. I chuckled slightly as I used a napkin to wipe my mouth.
"Yeah, I guess so." I say putting my fork down, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the sight of Zayn watching me while I eat.
"No, no I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, please continue." He says digging into his plate finally. After a moment I start eating again slowly.
"Listen Haley, I'm going to L.A tomorrow night. I need to do more promotion there." He says looking at me. I mean we aren't dating or anything, this is probably just an excuse so I don't get too comfortable, this being a one night stand and all.
"Oh yeah of course, I'll go get my things-" I say starting to get up but Zayn softly grabs my arm.
"No, no that wasn't what I was implying at all. I don't want you to leave. I want to take you out to brunch tomorrow with a few of my friends from New York. If that's okay with you." He says watching me intently. I was shocked, I didn't expect Zayn to want to see me again after tonight. I wanted to tell him I could but I had school the next day and I couldn't just skip school although I really want to.
"Well, uh I'd love to but I have school in the morning." I say sadly.
"Okay we will pick you up after school. Just text me as soon as you get out. Tomorrow text me as soon as your last class ends yeah?"
"Oh, uh okay." I say before letting out a big yawn.
"We better get you to sleep, I won't be here when you wake up but a car will be downstairs at 8:30am to drop you off at school." He says packing the food up with me. After shooting a quick text to my parents stating that I would be staying the night with Alex I reply.
"Oh that's not necessary really, I can get to school myself-"
"Haley that's nonsense, it's done just be down by 8:30 okay? Please." He says smiling. I nod and mutter a thank you. Zayn leads me over to his room.
"So you could sleep here and I'll take the guest room." Zayn says pulling the sheet back for me to get in. I slide in and he drapes the covers over me and places a kiss to my forehead. Just as Zayn was about to step out the room I call out.
"Wait, Zayn could you uh.. Sleep in here with me." I say quietly.
"Of course." He smirks and slides into the space besides me. I feel is arm drape around my waist and I nuzzle into the pillow before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Okay this one is pretty long! I'll try to update on Tuesday! Please vote and comment!!!!!

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