Chapter 3

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Sunday went by slowly to my dismay and all I could think about was the party on Monday. Rosie came over to my place after explaining how she was sick of being home and she needed a break. I didn't mind, we ordered Chinese and watched movies all day, refusing to leave my room. After our lazy day Rosie left at about 9pm and I was just finishing up some homework that would be due on Monday. After  I finished typing the last few sentences of my paper, my phone buzzed. When I checked I was surprised to see it was a text from Zayn.

'Hey Haley. I'm not sure if you have anything to wear for the party tomorrow, so I picked something out for you. If I am correct there should be a package outside your home. (My driver game me your address.) I'd love to see it on you. x'

I was completely shocked and happy that Zayn picked out something for me to wear. I was stressing so much about what I was going to wear to the event. I just hope he didn't go out of his way and get me something too pricy. I ran downstairs super excited, when I looked out my door there was a black box sitting right on my stoop with a gold ribbon tied around it. I quickly brought the package upstairs to my room and inspected it. I noticed on the side of the box there was white lettering spelling out CHANEL. I couldn't believe it, Zayn got me a Chanel dress! I quickly opened the box and there was a beautiful black dress with intricate lace detailing around the breast area reaching down to the sleeves. It was absolutely beautiful, I just really hoped the dress would be my size.

I quickly stripped and was left in nothing besides my underwear. I pulled the dress up over my hips to find that it fit perfectly. After zipping the dress on the side I walked over to the mirror. The top half of the dress fit so nicely and made my breasts look great. The dress fit tight around my waist and the silky material flared outward down my legs. Only after a slight twirl did I realize that there was a spilt going from my upper thigh down to the floor. The dress was so sexy I didn't think I could pull it off. After playing around in the dress for a while I decided to send a picture of me in the dress to Zayn. After snapping a photo in my full body mirror I sent the text over to Zayn.

From: Zayn
'Dear god you look so beautiful in that dress. I outta thank my stylist for helping my pick it out. Do you like it?'

To: Zayn
'Yes! I absolutely adore the dress, it's so beautiful. Thank you so much Zayn!'

From: Zayn
'It's no biggie, a beautiful girl like you deserves nice things.
Damn I can't tell if I want the dress on you or on the floor, you look so sexy in it Haley.'

I blush immensely at Zayns text, I didn't know how to respond. I was completely out of my element and I did have a clue of how to talk to guys. After much thinking I finally decided on what I would text back.

To: Zayn
Well I guess you can decide tomorrow... ;)

I decided to keep it going and not to get too flustered. I knew Zayn was a few years older than me and I didn't want him to view me as a little girl. After taking the dress off and hanging it up in my closet I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

"Okay class please put all of your weekend homework in the black bin on your way out and don't forget to buy Wuthering Heights. It can be found on the school website." Mr. Johnson yells out to class as everyone exits, he just loved to assign unnecessary homework. I quickly dropped my assignments in the bin and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.
"Hey stranger!" Alex calls out to me.
"Hey it takes two!" I say back playfully.
"Good point, but hey we are going over to Jonny's for pizza, you down?"
"Of course!" I say smiling widely.

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