Chapter 3: Fuckin' Frozen

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(Y/N) and Frisk managed to stay in Santa Barbara for a week, prolonging their inevitable leave with as much determination as they could muster. The day before they left, everyone got together; Shawn, Gussie, Henry, Juliet, Lassie (whom they hadn't seen in over a year. Their station had borrowed him for about a month, but he had to leave soon after), Woody, Karen, Madeleine, even Buzz came to wish the two girls farewell. Shawn gave them a present of a pineapple, too remind them as hard as life was, as unwelcoming and spikey as it seemed, there was always something sweet to find (Frisk and (Y/N) were fairly certain he looked that up, but bygones). Gus got them wallets, Frisk's being a vlogger (Y/N) couldn't name right away, and Y/N's being (whatever you want). Henry got them each a knife, Madeleine, books, Juliet, some guns, while Karen and Buzz both got them Sees. Lassiter had no idea they were getting gifts, so he gave them each 20 bucks.

Then, after a tearful and prolonged goodbye, the two hunters were on the road again. Back home they went, music blaring and minds racing far faster than the Impala. Not many words were exchanged, but then, they both had plenty on their minds. Their first stop, they decided, was Dimitri's office, just in case she had returned. Was it likely? Nope. In any case, they knew what they were going to do today.

The office was a bust, as expected, so the two headed to their friend's apartment. They'd only been by once before, to return a jacket she had left at their house. Dimitri has seemed rather jumpy, edging them slowly away from the door. Now, though, there was nothing holding them back; except for the fear of what they may find. Torture racks, weapons, who knew what could be there?

They stood outside the door in silence, each waiting for the other. "Well, go ahead," Frisk said, gesturing towards the door. "Open it up."

"I believe the honor is yours," (Y/N) replied, gesturing for the other to show off her talents.

"What, are you afraid?" Frisk teased, nudging the other. (Y/N) puffed her cheeks in annoyance and shook her head; she hated being called scared, or weak, or anything of the sort. Frisk knew this, of course, and used it to her advantage. "Are you really going to let fear control your life?" Frisk had a sick grin on her face, the kind she got whenever she knew she could get her friend to do something.

"Did you really just use a Frozen quote on me?" (Y/N) hissed. She was. . . Not very fond of Frozen, it was far too overplayed for her taste - not that she was a hipster, but everyone had a limit.

"Because I love you, (Y/N), I insist you open the door," Frisk whispered. The glare became far more intense, Frisk's smile only widening. (Y/N) smacked Frisk, hard as she could, her eyes screaming 'I hope that hurt'. "I don't have a skull. Or bones." (Y/N) jabbed Frisk in the side, remembering the fact a bundle of nerves were there, resulting in Frisk spazzing out. "Oh, look at that," Frisk wheezed, trying to recover from laughter, "I've been impaled."

"Be quiet, Rue," (Y/N) snapped, fighting off a grin. Frisk froze, eyes widening, before lashing out at (Y/N); weakly, of course. "You almost set me on fire," she continued. Frisk screeched for several more seconds (even though that was a Frozen reference, and she damn well had no right) before the two finally composed themselves. "Guess I'll do it," (Y/N) said, somber atmosphere returning. She pulled out a pressure wrench and slipped it into the key hole, pulling out a hairpin and setting all the pins.

She had picked the door in minutes, feeling slightly thankful for her upbringing. It would be easier if they were cops, true, but then they wouldn't get to have as much fun. The satisfying click of the lock brought her back to the present, so focused on the past she had become. She rose to her feet, looking behind her at Frisk. The other had a worried expression, determination and fear playing in her eyes. They grabbed each other's hands and pushed open the door.

The room was in chaos. Glass shattered, blood stains too small to be fatal but big enough to be worrisome. A cabinet was knocked over, oddities and figurines in pieces. The blue couches were ripped to shreds, stuffing all over the place. The rug, a yellow and green monstrosity, looked as if whoever did this had a personal vendetta against the thing. Beige walls (the default wall color for the building, as far as (Y/N) could tell) had holes, drywall accumulating on the floor. Of course, the biggest concern was the message on the far wall, in purple paint; You're too slow. A picture was below that, showing a battered Dimitri bound and gagged, clearly unconscious.

Frisk and (Y/N) stood for a few seconds, taking in the destruction. (Y/N) had prepared herself for this - well, something along these lines, anyway - so she kept a level head. As Frisk quivered in shock, the other looked around the room. Several questions came to mind: Why had she been kidnapped later than the others? Why was her place trashed, had she put up a fight? The dry wall could be from the two of them knocking into the wall and doorframe - Frisk had fallen against the wall, hard, in surprise, and she herself had leaned against it in shock - but something still felt off. The blood was dried, probably by several days, as was the paint. This had to be why she failed to respond to the two, right? "No, left," said Frisk - how long had she been speaking out loud for?

Frisk looked a little pale, but had pushed herself off the wall and now stood beside the other hunter.

"No, right," (Y/N) mumbled in response, pulling the picture carefully off the wall. It was stuck to the wall using putty, not that it mattered much.

"I said left, damnit," Frisk said, voice slowly returning to it's former might. She stood, (Y/N) following suit. "There's nothing more to learn here, eh? Let's go back to the drawing board."

(Y/N) nodded and stood, stretching her limbs. "We have no leads, do we?" She asked Frisk, who was looking around the apartment, got a sly grin. "You have a plan, don't you?"

"I'm formulating one. Who's the guy that knows everything, is a little shit, enjoys high-class activities, and would help us if we threaten to break his face?" Frisk had her head tilted slightly to the side, rocking on her heels and grinning. She seemed revived, excited, and, well, determined.

"Any idea where he is?" (Y/N) asked, pocketing the picture and exiting the ruined room.

"'Course I do," Frisk said, smiling even wider. "Now we just have to survive this blizzard."
A/N: I can feel the rage coming from you guys. Anyway, expect an A/N because there's sirius business to talk about. Tootaloo!

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