Chapter 10: Talking

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(Y/N) was sprawled across her bed, waiting for Frisk to return from the market.

It had been several hours since Frisk and (Y/N) talked to Burgerpants, and were working to sort through the files.

"Can I ask a question?"

(Y/N) turned her head to the side, raising a brow. Chara, looking far more solid than she had any right to, was sitting on Frisk's bed. (Y/N) was confused, of course, but she didn't want it to show. "If you'd like."

Chara grinned, sitting up and looking fully at the other. "How does a cop and a killer work? Isn't be someone you should be trying to stop? I mean, I get that he really only kills when he's in his other persona, but he's still pretty violent."

"To be fair," (Y/N) responded, copying Chara's pose, "it's not like he can control it. Besides, there's more to him than that."

"Like what?" Chara asked, head tilted.

"His sense of humor, his intelligence, how entertaining it is when he loses at Mario Kart, how corky he is when we play Monopoly and how hard he rages when Asriel kicks his ass, his protective-ness is pretty cute, his lack of knowledge on anime and how confused he gets when I talk about it, his surprisingly critical movie reviews-"

"Oh, God, shut up. I didn't want a whole list, I just wanted a quick answer," Chara groaned. She flopped onto the bed, kicking her legs lightly in the air.

"You should of said, then," (Y/N) shot back, grinning a little. If she was honest, Chara kinda reminded her of Frisk; just more violent and probably more prone to cussing, if her file was at all accurate. "In any sense, my point is there's more to him than violence. Just like there's more to you - or, was."

Chara snorted, rolling around to face (Y/N) on her stomach. "I guess. Still, it's kinda weird."

"Why are you here, anyway? Am I just hallucinating?"

"No, you're actually talking to me. I don't know how - I'm not saying Heaven and Hell are real, because I'm not about any of that - but here I am."

(Y/N) gave a huff, rolling onto her back and facing Chara upside-down. "And you're following me around because?" Chara shrugged, copying her pose. "You getting a kick out of this?"

Chara nodded, grinning. "You remind me a lot of me, honestly. Whether you kill because you seek justice or you just enjoy it, we both have a very calm manner concerning death. We both don't care much whether we die, and we both like to put people in their place."

(Y/N) squirmed slightly, admittedly uncomfortable with the black-and-white tally of her character. "I suppose," she muttered. She remember back when she was pouring over Chara's file, and thinking the same thing. They probably could have been good friends, and who knew? Maybe (Y/N) could have helped her with her rage. She'd shrugged the thoughts of, since it didn't really matter - she was dead, and there wasn't much else to it. But now? Apparently there was some form of consciousness that lingered after death. Did it apply to everyone, or those that had been killed? Maybe all those who had some sort of unfinished business? She'd have to think about it harder at a different time.

"We can talk about it later, I suppose," Chara said after a moment of silence. "I suppose I'll leave you alone, for now."

With that, the spirit? disappeared. (Y/N) stared for a few moments, shrugged, and went back to her laptop.


Chara liked the kid, really. They could have been great friends. Maybe they still could be, if she could just find a way to. . . To do something.

It was late, around two in the morning. (Y/N) had crashed an hour or so before, leaving Chara with nothing to do but play Solitaire. She hated Solitaire with a passion.

The sound of a door unlocking caught her attention. Within the room beyond, a shadowed figure stepped stealthily across the floor. They were holding something, balled up tightly in their hand. Once it was thrown on the bed, Chara could easily identify it - a certain blue and purple sweater.

The figure pulled out a jar of liquid, which Chara assumed was paint, and wrote on the wall. Though it was too dark for any person to properly make out what it said, the ghost had certain privileges; 'Too Slow'.

Well, shit. Frisk was probably in the same place as the others (a quick glance to a second screen proved that), and how was (Y/N) supposed to do this alone? Chara was never one for fairness, true, but this was just plain rude. One person couldn't solve a kidnapping mystery; that, and (Y/N) reminded Chara too much of herself to not be personally offended. "Great, now I have to help her. Goddammit."


(A/N: No idea why I decided to take the story this direction, but I did. I kinda like it, though. Also, your guys' comments are hilarious. Seriously, I love reading them. Anyway, have a good day~)

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