Chapter 13: Lemon Lime and Story Time

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It was cold, that was what (Y/N) first noticed. Cold and dark. She slowly pushed herself off the ground, head throbbing in pain. In front of her was a misty screen, through which she could see her own dead body. She nearly threw up at the sight; blood sprayed across the wall, one eye rolled a few feet away. Her nose was a bloody cavity, parts of her cheeks several meters away. She gagged, trying to move away. The image vanished, and a hand was on her arm. "Yeah, it's pretty weird at first. You get used to it."

"You picked a great time to vanish," (Y/N) snapped, allowing Chara to help her sit up. She leaned against the other's shoulder, the minimal action making her exhausted. 

"If it makes you feel better," Chara replied, "I found some semen covered walls."  The glare said all (Y/N) needed it to. "Doesn't much matter now. We've got the upper edge."

"How do you figure?" 

"We can't get anymore hurt than dead, now can we? As far as materializing, well, just give it a few hours. You need to regain strength. Once you do that, we can channel our energy through one of the others and do our stuff. We know who the perp is now, so we'll be able to stop her."


"Talk some sense into her."

"I'd have thought you'd be all for killing her."

"Well. . ." Chara sighed, brushing her hair from her face, "I guess it's story time." 

(Y/N) said nothing, just snuggled into Chara's warmth - why the hell was it so cold, anyway? That's what you get in the shadow realm, she supposed. Before she could react in any substantial way, Chara had pushed the other onto her back. Now, Chara was smirking, hands on (Y/N)'s chest. "What are you doing?" (Y/N) asked as Chara wriggled her hips. 

"Telling a story. Now, shut the fuck up," Chara said, moving one hand to cover (Y/N)'s mouth. The bottom licked lazily at her hand. "I've never been great at telling stories, so bear with me."

(Y/N) raised her hand, and Chara relented, moving hers away. "Why are you on top of me?"

Chara sighed, a peculiar weight seemingly on her shoulders. "There are so few things that I have control over, so it makes me feel a little better to control you." (Y/N) said nothing, begrudgingly feeling pity and allowing Chara to continue.  

"I was always a violent child, picking fights and yelling at people. Don't even get me started with dodgeball. A lot of kids were afraid at first, but then they started beating me up. I was alright with it -- after all, I loved fighting people. But, after a few months, they started picking on my little sister. 

"My sis had been pretty upset with everything they had been doing to me, but I assured her I was fine. I never told her about the beatings, and when she asked why I had bruises, I brushed her off. Once they started hurting her, she found out what was happening. Our parents were freaking out when I started up, but her? She didn't have that same 'attack-everything-in-sight-and-make-them-bleed' attitude I had. No, she was vengeful, and wanted to kill the people that hurt me. Over-protective taken to the next level, I'd say. 

"As the years wore on, it went from her yelling and standing in front of me to her pulling a knife out and threatening to stab them before they'd even said anything. I always took the blame, saying I made her do that, so she never got in trouble. That, combined with the things I actually did, landed me in a mental hospital. I got out when I was eighteen. When I went home, my parents slammed the door in my face and told me to never talk to them again. I think part of that was because of my eyes. They were originally brown, but constant irritation and something else I could never name made them red. Some disease, I think.

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