Chapter 4: Dresses and Weasels

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If hateful thoughts were a crime, (Y/N) deserved execution. Not that she cared much, it would probably be a welcome ordeal - assuming she was in the same situation as she was now. Nonetheless, it was the problem she faced, so no point in crying about it. 

Frisk, however, had a different philosophy. Though she was the one to come up with the plan, Frisk whined about it often enough to convince herself (Y/N) had concocted it. Nonetheless, they had nary a choice. 

Frisk's dress was short, an inch or so above her knees. The dress was black with a white trim, the skirt full and poofy. The pinstripe design ended at the waist, the top portion of the dress was a very dark gray, sleeves also poofy and covering a few inches of her arm. The dress was ripped - supposedly on purpose - in several places on the skirt, allowing the lace underneath to be seen. The top had a corset thing - as near as (Y/N) could figure, but she lacked Kanaya's eye for fashion. 

Her own dress was a little longer, just below the knees. The skirt was (deep color), with (complimentary deep color) dots of different sizes. the (more deep color) top was long sleeved and made of suede. Both girls wore white tights to contrast from the darkness, Frisk wearing bright red boots and (Y/N) Herculean white sandals. 

The location wasn't difficult to reach; The Mansion of the Southern Isles was about a half hour from their current hotel. Getting in wasn't difficult, the guards were small, easily distracted, and unobservant - Frisk and (Y/N) couldn't help but silently thank whoever had created chloroform. After dragging the two young men - boys, really - into some nearby bushes, the two partners walked casually into the ballroom; which had no balls, much to Frisk's disappointment. 

They hung near the wall for a few minutes, observing the scene. Fanciful people in even fancier clothes - the elders were, anyway, the younger crowd wearing more fashionable and modern outfits. (Y/N) wasn't particularly interested in the guests, her eyes were on the hosts. Hans, the owner of the admittedly beautiful mansion, looked as much a douche as ever. His brown hair was slicked back, princely suit spotless as usual, eyes with a hidden malicious glint. Beside him was. . . Actually, neither of the girls knew what the relationship between the two men were. Father son? Uncle nephew? Master servant? Gay lovers? In any case, Duke Weselton stood beside Hans, talking to some people neither of them could recognize. 

A hand touched (Y/N)'s shoulder, the slight touch immediately sending her into fight-or-flight mode. As one would expect, she was a fighter, and within a moment (Y/N) had the attacker pinned to the wall by their throat. 

Thankfully, none of the guests had noticed, the combination of the shadows on the wall and loud music disguising the slam of a body. Before her was Aradia, neck tilted up to accommodate (Y/N)'s hand. Once she came to her senses, (Y/N) released her friend, apologizing and red-faced at her mistake. Frisk was giggling, always amused by the others mistakes. Aradia was wearing a long red dress, the bottom half a cascade of sequins.  As she moved off the wall to stand in front of the pair, Aradia looked as if she was not bound by the same rules as mere mortals such as they. Confidence and cold radiated from her expression, though the two had learned to find warmth in her sometimes chilly expression. "why are y0u tw0 here" Aradia asked, voice soft and eyes flashing with ideas.

"Case," Frisk replied briskly, allowing her gaze to shift towards the two men at the top of the staircase. 

"since when did y0u guys c0me t0 see the weasels f0r anything 0ther than inf0rmati0n when y0u cant get it thr0ugh w0rk" Aradia asked, brow raised and a sly smile on her lips. "n0 y0u're w0rking 0utside the department s0 what is it" 

"If we're bringing up irregular behavior," (Y/N) chimed in, mirroring Aradia's stance, "why are you here? Last I recall, you swore the only time you'd come here is if Spidermom needed more bodies, since you owe Vriska at least three trips."

A man walked up behind Aradia, one which (Y/N) and Frisk recognized. He wore the typical penguin suit that men wore to these events, red-and-blue glasses being the only outstanding factor. He wrapped his arms around Aradia's waist, to which Aradia leaned back slightly. 

"unf0rtunatley," Sollux broke in, "ii owe gamzee 20me fayg0 .well m0re 20 he 2aiid iif ii diidnt hed break my 2piine, 20 2iith wa2 the be2t 0ptii0n." 

"Have I mentioned how much I love hearing you talk?" Frisk asked, grinning at Sollux's slight lisp. He flipped her off, nuzzling Aradia's neck. "In any case," she continued, "tell Gamzee I said hi." 

"tell hiim y0ur2elf biitch," Sollux said, aggravated as usual with Frisk. 

"s0llux there is no need f0r such language," Aradia chided, looking back at her matesprit. 

"but 2he iis s0 ann0yiing," Sollux grumbled. 

"be the bigger pers0n l0ve," Aradia returned. As much as (Y/N) would love to listen to their gentle bickering, there just wasn't enough time. 

"Guys, I hate to cut this short, but Frisk and I are on a clock," (Y/N) interrupted, trying to fight back the rather melancholic feel at the familiar sight. 

"have dave help y0u," Aradia said, before returning to her conversation with Sollux. Instead of arguing with her, (Y/N) put a hand on Aradia's head, then Sollux's, and took her leave. 

Frisk ran after her, linking their arms once she caught up. "Admittedly, I feel a little better knowing we have friends nearby," Frisk whispered. (Y/N) nodded, scanning the room full of people. There was Karkat, being lectured by Kankri about something or other. Bruce, always one to make an appearance at high society parties, Tony nearby getting drunk. So was Rose, (Y/N) noticed, and made a mental note to tell Kanaya. Annabeth and Thalia were walking around, not socializing very much - they must have had a hit that attended this party, and (Y/N) didn't care about much more than that. 

The two girls were at the foot of the staircase when Duke finally noticed them. He elbowed Hans, who turned to glare at them. The two men bade their conversational partners aideu and moved down the stairs. They met halfway, Frisk and Duke glaring, (Y/N) and Hans trying to remain civil. 

(Y/N) still remembered when she had the misfortune of meeting the two men. She had been walking home from the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell when she noticed a shady figure walking into a decrepit building. Much as she wanted to just ignore it and go home, her sense of duty forced her on. Creeping into the house behind him, refusing to release her food, she walked into a drug deal. How no one saw her immediately,  she never knew; the shadows weren't that deep. From her pocket she pulled a pen, rather childish with it's appearance of a carrot, but it was a gift from her friends - Nick and Judy - that they swore would come in handy. The pen had a recorder built in, and since Hans and Duke were the only ones speaking, she recorded them. After hearing them talk of figures and drugs and a foolish plan to take down Senator Elsa - which (Y/N) honestly couldn't wholeheartedly disagree with - she stepped forward. Guns were pointed at her, she was pinned against the wall, but it didn't really matter. 

Long story short, she worked out a deal with the two men; she wouldn't turn them in if they would act as her own personal moles. 

"What is it you need?" Hans asked, voice chilled. 

(Y/N) pulled out her phone, moving to a folder with fourteen images in it. "Names, aliases, professions, family, relationships, everything you can get."

Hans took the phone from her, flipping through the pictures one by one, critically studying each face. "As far back as the records allow?" Duke, although visibly annoyed at the girls' presence, peered over at the glowing screen. (Y/N) nodded, face as calm as she could imagine. Hans looked up at her for a moment, brown eyes darkened by hatred battling her (eye color) gaze fueled by determination. With an air of sarcasm, he turned to walk up the staircase, raising a hand above his head. "Aye aye, boss."

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