Chapter 12: The Horny Spirit

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She ducked through the crowd, keeping her eyes on her prey. A shade floated beside her, red eyes gleaming and mouth twisted in a smile. "I hope you realize, kiddo," the wince the live one made at the all too familiar nickname was dully noted, "that I ain't absolutely sure if this is the perp. I didn't see their face, and body shapes are a dime a dozen." 

(Y/N) and Chara had spent a week gathering information, talking to locals, and scouting out abandoned buildings. As they were walking among the busy streets, Chara had pointed to a figure in all black, saying they reminded her of the kidnapper - assuming Frisk had been taken by the same person as the others, of course. That was nearly a half hour ago. 

"I know," (Y/N) whispered, keeping her head low. A few people gave her a wary glance, but they were lost in the wave. 

"It'd be a bad idea to just walk over their and attack without knowing for certain. You'd look like a crack whore." 

"I know."

"People are gonna think you're crazy as all shit."


"They might lock you in jail, and you're out of jurisdiction. Besides which, you're not on duty, so that might speed up the process, but it'd still take a while."

"I'm aware."

"Then why the fuck are you doing this?"

"You have a better option?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Exactly. This is the best thing we've got, so this is what we're doing." (Y/N) turned a corner and continued walking, keeping her head up and an apathetic look in her eyes. Many people around her were looking at her, trying to figure out what she talking about, but no one approached. 

"I swear to Satan if you get arrested I am going to beat you the fuck up. Then beat up the cops so you can leave. Then beat you up again." 

"Dully noted," the cop replied, watching as her victim cut through into the woods. She, and by extension, Chara, followed. It wasn't too difficult to find the figure; they were stumbling on branches and into creeks constantly, like they weren't used to the path. (Y/N) may as well have been a specter, treading on leaves and silencing her steps with ease. Chara hovered a few inches above the ground, not talking, as if afraid she would be heard by anyone other than (Y/N). 

They kept going like this for about ten minutes before a building came into view. It looked like a large house, dare say a mansion. If the decrepit shutters and flaking paint job were a sign of anything, it was that this place was long since forgotten. (Y/N) slowed down, hanging near the stand of trees that ringed the structure. The  figure ducked underneath a weathered board and entered the house. "It's probably a homeless guy who's squatting here," Chara mumbled, "let's just go." (Y/N) knew something was up with the spirit. She felt a knife grazing her spine, threatening death or worse if she did not leave, immediately. 

"You feel it, don't you? That something in the air?" (Y/N) asked. Chara nodded, biting her lip. She cast a look at the building. "Please, let's go." 

(Y/N) shook her head, taking a step into the clearing. "You can go, if you want, but I'm gonna check it out."

"You know full and well I can't go, you dick. I'd have to see it anyway," Chara spat, but followed the other. 

"Yup!" (Y/N) said happily, grinning at the other's scowl. It made her feel better, just a little, to annoy Chara. 

They walked plainly across the field, hands holding their respective weapons. 

"What d'ya think'll be in there? Bodies? Semen? Bodies covered in semen? Limbs? Limbs covered in semen? Clowns? Clowns covered in-"

"Chara. Why. Are. You. So. Horny," (Y/N) hissed, looking at the shade. Chara shrugged, phasing through a boarded window.  (Y/N) crawled through the same hole as the other had, coming to stand in a dark, dirty foyer. "Well can you not?" she muttered, looking carefully around. 

Chara moved next to (Y/N), materializing into the solid world for the time being. She laced an arm around the other's waist, both of them heading down a hallway. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at the other, but chose not to question the antics of a shade. They walked slowly down the path, inadvertently clinging closer out of - well, not fear. Let's say anxiety. 

"I'm gonna go invisible to make sure nothing's close by. Stay here," Chara ordered, releasing (Y/N) and fading from view.  (Y/N) nodded and moved closer to the wall, putting her back against it and pulling a gun from her pocket. 

It happened too fast for her to process - she had pulled the weapon, was checking the bullets, when a loud bang echoed through the house. The surprise and the shock of such a loud noise delayed the pain. Yet, as all things, pain is inevitable, as is the realization of the truth. Blood was pouring from her chest, where the bullet had lodged deep into her heart. A wave of nausea swept her to the floor, grabbing weakly at the hole and vision darkening. A foot, shoved hard into her shoulder, forced her onto her back. Cold, blue eyes that were sharpened by glasses glared into (Y/N)'s own. A sick smile, framed by short hair gently grazing skin, would have stopped (Y/N)'s heart if it wasn't already halfway there. "You know," Dimitri drawled, "I didn't want to have to do this - but you really left me no choice."

(Y/N)'s eyes went wide; this was her friend, and she had no alternate persona to hide behind. Was she always like this? Had she been fooling them all? Too many questions, not enough time. She tried her hardest to open her mouth, to croak out a question - the last thing (Y/N) saw was the barrel pointed at her face, last thing she heard the bang of a gun. The last thing she thought?

"I'm sorry."


(A/N: The end is fast approaching, dear children. And thanks to some interesting ideas. . .  Well, I'm sure you'll all love what's coming up. See you soon!)

The Kidnap: Psychotic!Sans x Detective!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now