chapter 15 (asking)

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Rainbow dash POV.
I was just at my house because it is sunday......I was wathing a horror movie until i fell asleep so yeah...i was so tiered yesterday.... I had an awesome dream about being famous until Scootaloo wake me up..
scootaloo: Sis wake up wake up wake up!
Me: later scoot! (tiered tone)
Scoot:but you said we're going to play with tank!
Me: I did?
Scoot: well no i was just jokeking.. but you have to wake up!
Me: but why (i said covering my face with my pillow)
Scoot: oh never mind i just remember i was going to play with my friends.... hehe bye
I was really angry 'why why does my dream has to end uggg i wish scootaloo did'nt woke me up ugg never mind 8 can't continue sleeping any more' i said in my mind... and so i get out on my bed and started brushing my hair...
After wards I remember that i didn't feed tank yet so i was running towards to tank down stairs.......while feeding tank I 2as also talking to him weird right
Me: what is valentine why do we have to celebrate it because every celebration mean something like christmas it is the birthday of jesus but what about valentines day what is the history behind this celebration (I said staring at tank who is just eating)
Me:I think i should ask twighlight about that.... gotta go tank bye (I said then leave)
I drove the car and reached to the CHS when I was standing infront of the main door
Me: Freak their is no school today...ugggg
???:Dash what are you doing in here
A familiar voice said at the back of me......I turned around to see the person talking and there i saw this guy
Me:blitz (i said low tone while rolling my eyes)
Blitz: have you forgotten that their is no class today and you supposed to be in your house?
Me:No.....but i am not here today to educate i am here today to see if twilight is aroud but i remember that she is not here and i don't know where she leave or somethin'
Blitz:ohhh sorry..... but why are you looking for her?
Me:ummm......well there's just something i need to ask her
Blitz: what?
Me:okay to much question maybe i am just gonna ask her tomorrow
Blitz:just tell me.. maybe i can help you about it
Me:ugg..this guy never stops until he knows what i am going to ask (i said murmuring to my self)

litz: yeah i will never stop until i know
Me:what you heired that?
Blitz:yeah what?
Me: well you wanna know my question?
Blitz: yeah
Me: fine my question is why you won't stop asking those silly question.....and for your information that was my question for you
Blitz:ugggg... really?
Me: yeah....and your waisting my time
Blitz: excuse me i am not waisting your started this conversation
Me: what you started it
Blitz: okay and if i started it i am going to end this conversation next year (he said teasingly)
Me: really i need to go...... bye

blitz POV.
"wierd day hahaha i have alot of questions to annoy my friends lol i am going t8 list and memorise it
Wait a second i am acting crazy do day ohh well maybe crazyer tomorrow hahahaha" i did a weird laugh

as you realize that dash always have point of view every chapter and if your wondering why well she is my favorite character in mlp and second she i the main character in this story.....seems like twighlight and sunset is rainbow dash's dictionary because she is keep on asking questions to them.....hehehe and hope you like this story and please follow me and vote for this story but i am not forcing you to do what i say i am just suggesting and it depends to you guys if you follow it or not so love you all don't care if your a boy or girl but i stll love you all i care about everyone in the world good or bad, human or animal .... okay to much for authors note so love you guys <3  😊

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