chapter 38

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Rainbow blitz (H) POV
Dash end her song so then I called her "dash!, get down here!" I said then she followed what I said "the song was amazing dashie!" Both pinkies jump from nowhere and hugged dash then let go off her "ok?" Dash (H) said "btw I saw luna and some other creature with different body figure, I mean like a mixture of living things" she continued "discord!" Dash (P) said "discord?, what's a discord?" I said "no its his name but he's a..............ummmm well he's a......what was he again fluttershy?" Dash (P) said "he's a draconequus " fluttershy  (p) said "Yeah what she said" dash (P) said "ohhhhhh what's a draconequus ?" I asked "it's a mixture of dragon, pony, bird, and some other creature" twilight (P) the egg head said "ohhh ok thnks egg head" I said then me blitz, dash and dash laugh "not funny guys!"both Egg head said "if it's not funny they why are they laughing?" Applejack said then joined us laughing at them "ok guys enough we need to be serious" sunset said "yes maam" we all said in unison

Discord POV
I went to the kingdom to do what luna wants me to do "everyone luna wants you all, the fight is starting" I said to them "good" chrysalis said "I'll bring my babies" she continued "well let's go!" The dazzling said  then I teleport with the others to luna

Rainbow dash (P) POV.
"Luna get down here!" I said then she flew down and there was some other bad guys pop out of nowhere "whaaa" we all said In unison "well well well look who's trying to fight us dear sister" chrysalis said to luna "sister!?" All of us said in surprise "well you didn't know the story behind our life, why don't you find the history of the past your self" chrysalis said then discord snap and we are in a library full of book "ahhhhhhhh books!!!!!!" Me dash, blitz and blitz said  freaking out "lets get out of here!" We four said "guys!, don't be afraid books won't bite!" Sunset said then we all calm down and started searching for the history of the past "ummm can you tell me why are we searching this book again" me and dash said in unison "well we need to know what happened from the past for us to know what they want and why their doing this" Twilight (P) explained "ohhhhhh" me and dash said then started finding the book "FOUND IT!" Rarity(H) Said "good job dear" elusive (H) said "the history of the 3 princesses and a prince" Rarity (P) read the title "interesting" elusive (P) said " ikr (I know right)" Rarity (P) said. We opened the book and twilight (P) started reading it out loud

To be continued......guys it your wondering y I always say to be continued it's because I want it to be exciting and trending so ye sorry if it annoys you

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