chapter 6 (searching and asking)

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For those who wanna know what is the meaning of love and what to do when your in love just read this chapter

Rainbow dash POV.
i was now in the library and searching for sunset then i saw here sitting On a chair and reading a book "sunset"i said "so you want to see me here right?"she asked "yes"i answered "why?"she ask "because i want you to tell me the meaning of the person's feeling when their in love" i said "rainbow dash every person has their own feelings it depends on you how will you express your feelings, and why did you asked about it?"she said "because my friends are keep on doing stupid things when their crushes are around or just even past by"i said "because sometimes we have to do stupid things to make your crush pay attention to you, their are different and many ways how to be in love first love at first sight next is you feel strange and your mind is keep on thinking of him/her next is your love for him or her is developing and other more"she explained "okay but how can you fall in love?"i asked "rainbow dash its hard to fall in love its your heart who tells you to fall in love not your brain"she said "then if its hard then why every single person i know have their crush if its rare to have a crush and what about me i am so O.P. when their talking about love or something"i said "it depends on you if your not interested of it then you wont have it "she said "if i am not interested then why am i asking you some questions right know?"i said raising my eyebrow at her "all your asking about is their feelings and meanings not how can you have a crush"she said "but i am asking how they fall in love"i said "yes i know but your not asking how would you be in love" she explain "sunset i am really confuse but thanks by the way i need to go now"

i get an idea on my friend yesterday i was asking her about love so yeah i still don't understand and thanks for reading

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