|| Wear Me Like A Locket ||

988 53 48

Andy's P.O.V

I felt really awkward when I sent Joe that message. I immediately regretted it after I had done so. It was just such a random and awkward thing to say! What if he thinks I'm gay after it? Well, more like know that I'm gay.

I've been gay for two years now. Well, I've known I've been gay for two years now. My mum has always suspected it. I mean, she wasn't being rude, it was just the fact that I've had no father figure since I was five. My father died in a car crash when I was five.

It was his ten year anniversary last year, and it was really hard. I felt so lonely without him. We were really close when he was still around, then he was gone. Joe had suggested writing a little phrase or possible lyrics, or something to express how I felt, and I did. I mean, they're not the best lyrics, but they're okay. "So lonely with a car crash heart" is what I had. I showed Joe, and he said they were great. They have reason behind them, so it's good. Like, "so lonely," is because I felt really lonely when I wrote them, and I still do without dad. And "with a car crash heart," is because he died in a car crash.

Anyways, this is off subject. Mum always suspected that I was gay, because I'd rather play barbie dolls with my sister, than play football. Or instead of being grossed out when my sister put makeup on me, I liked it.

I haven't came out to anyone yet. Not to mum. Not to Joe. Not to anyone.

The thing is though, I have a crush on Joe. A really big, hopeless crush on him. I mean, last time I checked, he was straight. So there's no point in liking him, but I just can't get over him. I'd wear him like a locket if I could.

Light soon fills the room, as I check my phone for the time, and it reads 6:59am.

"Shit! It's 7:00 already!?" I thought to myself.

My alarm then starts screaming as I moan. Does it have to be so loud and violent? Wait, it's fucking Saturday! Why is it on!?

I slide my phone, shutting the ignorant thing up, and groan. No sleep is great!

I lazily stand from my bed, and put on a plain, white shirt, and a pair of black jeans. Suitable for a twenty degree day, I think.

My phone vibrates and flashes as it receives a message. I check the screen, and see that the message is from Joe.

I jumped from my bed, and started doing a really retarted, happy dance as my heart skipped a beat.

Jeez, I'm falling hard for my best friend.

From Joe
Received on Sat @ 7:10am

Hey Ando, I was wondering if you wanted to chill at mine tonight. You up for it?

Fuck yes! Sleep over with my best friend and my crush is the greatest thing ever!

I run downstairs to the kitchen, and check if mums awake. Luckily, she is.

"Hey, mum!" I say, excitement filling my voice.

"Good morning, sweetheart. What's up?"

"Good morning! Can I stay at Joe's house tonight? Pleeeeease!?" I beg.

Joe, We Need To Talk 》 TrohleyWhere stories live. Discover now