|| 'Til Tonight Do Us Part ||

799 48 68

Joe's P.O.V

I wake in the late hours of the day, with Andy next to me, who is asleep. I must've fallen asleep before him, because I don't remember him being asleep.

I check my phone for the time, the sudden brightness aching my eyes, as I squint. I slightly jump as I see the time is 6:49pm.

"Andy!" I shout, shaking him awake.

Andy mutters, as he rolls over to face me.

"Whaaaaat?" He groans, rubbing his eyes, looking like a cute little puppy.

"Dude, it's like ten to seven! We were asleep for like, twelve hours!" I panic.

Andy shoots up, as he checks his phone in disbelief.

"Shiiiiit!" He chuckles.

We lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling as we think of what to do.

"Wanna go for a drive?" I suggest.

"Sure! I love night drives!" Andy agrees.

"Okay, I'll grab some drinks and money. Meet me in the car," I order, as Andy nods and walks outside.

I grab a plain black bag, and put several 600mL bottles of coke in. I then walk over to the counter and take a $50 note that mum had left me.

I then walk out to the car, and see Andy waiting in the passenger seat, pushing his beautiful, soft brown hair out of his face.

Fuck! I'm hard! I hope to god that he doesn't notice!

I open the car door, and step into the drivers seat, joining Andy.

"So, where we goin'?" Andy asks, strapping his seatbelt over his chest.

"Just for a drive," I smile, also buckling myself up. "Is there anywhere you want to go?"

Andy shakes his head, as put the key into the correct spot, turn the key, starting up my car, and reversing out of the driveway.

"Do we have a curfew?" Andy asks.

I look at him and shake my head, "no,"

"Till tonight do us part?" He asks with a smile.

"Till tonight do us part." I giggle.

We drive around, singing along to the car radio, and talking about random shit. We had unwounded the windows, the ice cold night wind whipping our faces.

"Okay, truth or dare?" Andy asks with a smirk.

"Well, I'm in a car, and I don't trust the dare you may come up with so truth," I answer.

"Who do you like? Like, more than just a friend?" Andy inquisitively asks.

My heart drops. I can't let him know I like him! It will he so awkward if he find out! I have to spend the rest of the night with him! If he finds out, it will be the most awkward experience ever!

I continue to think about what might happen if I told Andy. He would act so awkward! He'd start to question our whole friendship. He would never want to hang out again because I feel like that. He wouldn't talk to me again, because he knows I feel like that. He would n-

"JOE, ITS A RED LIGHT! STOP!" Andy screams in terror.

I slam my foot onto the breaks, as a big eighteen wheeled truck drove past. If I didn't stop, it would've T-boned us, and it would've killed us.


"Andy, I'm so sorry! I nearly fucking killed us! I don't know what got into me! I phased out into my own thoughts, and wasn't even paying attention! I'm so fucking sorry!" I apologise, my voice on cracking as my eyes fill with tears.

Andy looks at me in the eyes, with a tear slipping down his cheek.

"Joe," he whispers.

"Yeah?" I choke out.

Andy's eyes fill with sadness, as a tear spills over my eyelashes.

"It's a green light," he informs, with a giggle.

I look out the front windshield, and nod. I drive through, and pull over on the side of the road.

"Andy, I'm so fucking sorry! I nearly killed us because of my stupid thoughts. I'm so so so so so so sincerely sorry, Andy," I cry, as Andy wraps his arm around me, and supportingly rubs my shoulder.

"It's okay, Joe. You didn't, and that's all that matters," Andy sighs.

"It's not okay!" I scream as Andy shows a face of shock. "I nearly fucking killed us! It would've been my fault that we died! Don't you get that!? WE. NEARLY. FUCKING. DIED, ANDREW!"

Tears start gushing down my face, as Andy climbs from the passenger seat, and shared the drivers seat with me. He scooped me up from under my legs, and cuddled me into his chest. He comforted me by rubbing my back, and stroking my head as I wracked with sobs into his chest, soaking his shirt with tears.

"It's okay, Joe." Andy soothed. "We're okay, and that's all that matters. We're here in your car, pulled on the side of the road, and safe. You didn't kill us, okay? Just remember that. Yes, you nearly killed us, but you didn't. I mean, you're breathing, I'm breathing, and both of our hearts are beating. Just remember that,"

I slowly started to calm down, as Andy continues to comfort me. Is it weird that he was actually turning me on my doing so?

"Thank you, Andy." I softly speak.

"It's okay, Joe. It's okay. How about we go home?" Andy suggests.

"Sounds great," I smile, pulling back onto the road and driving home.

We drove for about five minutes in silence before Andy had to ruin it.

"Joe?" He asks.


"Are you homophobic?" Andy nervously speaks.

"Homophobic? No," I honestly reply.

I wonder why he asks me that? Maybe he's homophobic? Maybe he knows that I'm gay, and he's leaving hints that he knows.

"Why?" I quiz.

"I was just wondering," he shrugs. "Say you knew somebody for a long time, and this time you thought they were straight, but they were in fact gay this whole time, would you think of them differently?"

"No. Andy, what's going on?" I ask.

Oh shit, crap shit! Maybe he's gay as well! No, what am I saying? He's Andy fucking Hurley!

"I was just wondering, Joe. Don't get so weird,"

We pull up in my driveway, as we both get out of the car. We walk up the stairs, through the front door, and into my room.

"So," I say, entering my room. "What do you wanna talk about?"

Song - Hum Hallelujah
Album - Infinity On High

Joe, We Need To Talk 》 TrohleyWhere stories live. Discover now