|| Irresistable ||

676 41 15

Andy's P.O.V

I wake up to the cold air against my skin. I look around the room, and check my phone for the time, in which is 9:0oam. I've never woken up in such rounded numbers. Even with my alarm, I don't wake up until it's been screaming for a minute or so.

I roll over, and see Joe is still cuddled into the blanket. He looks so peaceful. So innocent. So angel like. So irrestible.

I'm sick of hiding my feelings from him. I want to tell him, but I just can't find the words to say. Do I just come straight out and say, "bro, you're really fucking hot and I have a massive fucking crush on you!" Or do I be more subtle about it and say "if I was gay, you'd be the guy I would date."

Ugh! Emotions are confusing!

He soon wakes up, and rubs his eyes with the back of his hands. He looks like a cute 'lil puppy dog. He makes my heart melt into a puddle!

"Morning," Joe groans, as he awakens.

"Good morning," I smile at the cute boy. "How'd you sleep? After the night mare. . ."

"Good," Joe yawns, out stretching his arms.

God, he looks cute when he's tired. Just the way he looks when he pulls his arms up to his eyes, and the way his muscles tense up when he yawns and stretches his eyes. It's all the little things that I love most about him.

"How did you sleep, Hurls?"

Hurls is a nickname I had possessed from Joe a few years back. I only ever let Joe call me that. I hate it when anyone else calls me Hurls, but I love it when Joe calls me it.

"All right, Trohmo," I laugh.

"Trohmo?" Joe giggles back. "Like, Trohmosexual?"

I shrug, then nod.

"Trohmosexual. Sexually attracted, to Joseph Trohman." Joe chuckles.

Well, there you go. I'm not gay, I'm Trohmosexual!

"Let's go with that!" I laugh.

"Okay," Joe smiles, as he yawns again, making me yawn also.

We sit in silence, as we continue to wait until we are fully awake.

"Truth or dare?" I suggest as Joe nods.

"Okay, I'll go first," Joe grins.

Song - Irresistable
Album - American Beauty/American Psycho

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