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Andy's P.O.V

"So," Joe speaks. "What do you wanna talk about?"

I wanna tell you that I love you so god damn much, and there's nothing more I would like to do than call you mine.

"I don't know," I say, ignoring my thoughts.

"Wanna confess secrets?" Joe suggest.

No! Well, I have a secret I could tell, that I probably should tell, that isn't the fact that I'm gay.

"Sure," I reply.

"Okay, I'll go first." Joe smiles, rubbing his hands together.

He takes in a deep breath, and slowly let's it out.

"I've never kissed a girl," Joe confesses.

"Really?" I ask, confused. "But what about your ex, Rebecca?"

"Nope! She never kissed me. I tried, but she rejected me," Joe pouts.

I wrap a supporting arm around him as he softly stifles a laugh.

"Your turn!" He shouts.

I let in a deep breath. No one knows this secret, but me. I'm scared that he'll treat me differently if I tell him. Will he think that I'm an attention seeker? God, I hope not!

"So, you know how my dad died?" I start, as Joe nods. "Well, it's been really hard for me,"

I start to choke up, and a tear drips down my cheek.

"I know," Joe comforts. "Is that the secret?"

I shake my head, as a few more tears fly off of my eyelashes.

"What is it?" He asks.

I couldn't say it. I've never been able to say it. I get awkwardly nervous when I try to speak about it. The words 'I cut' or 'I self-harm' have never been easy to say.

"I can't say it, but I'll show you," I choke, as Joe nods.

I start to pull down my jeans, as my cuts are on my thighs, and Joe freaks out.

"Dude! What are you doing!? If it's that you have a baby dick, then I don't wanna know!" Joe shouts.

I pull my pants back up, as tears stream down my face. He doesn't even trust me enough to show him! He thinks that I wanted to show him my dick! I just want someone to know, so I don't feel so lonely.

As if he would care, though. As if anyone would care. He would take one look, and think that I'm a freak. He'll never talk to me again! My tears have now turned into waterfalls, as I cry into my knees.

"Andy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you," Joe apologises. "Having a baby dick isn't bad,"

"I haven't got a baby dick, and that's not what I was going to show you!" I yell, whilst crying.

"Well then what were you going to show me?"

I have no choice. I have to say it. If I don't, then he'll never know. And if there's one person I want knowing about this, it's Joe.

Joe, We Need To Talk 》 TrohleyWhere stories live. Discover now