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Emily's POV

2 and a half years later

"This is the cutest thing I've ever seen," Maddy whispered, leaning towards me. I nodded, wiping a tear from below my eye. I looked towards the altar where Dean and Michael were holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. The hot Australian sun was beaming through the huge windows on either side of the room, and as I scanned the crowd on either side of the aisle I could see many familiar faces, most of them lit up with happiness at the ceremony that was happening in front of us. Luke, Calum and Ashton were sitting in the front row in their best suits, and as I glanced to my right I was thrilled to see Annabell sitting with a woman who I recognised from photographs as Dean's mother, and I was sure I could see tears shining in her eyes proudly as she watched her son.

My eyes flicked back down to my left hand, as they had been doing often for the last couple of months, even though I already knew what I would see there – a gold band glinting in the sunlight, reminding me every time I looked at it of that wonderful night when Luke proposed to me under the stars, of the day I spent covered in lace and confetti and hearing the church bells ring, of squeezing his hand tight and saying those famous words "I do".

Luke and I had been married in the spring, the second couple in our friendship group to do so after Maddy and Ashton. The ceremony had been in a small church in the village where I grew up, and we walked out afterwards beside the daffodils. It had been the most perfect day of my life, just like all the clichés promised. Being married hadn't really changed my relationship with Luke, although the fandom had predictably gone crazy. However, I was pleasantly surprised by how kind lots of people were, and the few wedding photos we had released to the public had loads of lovely comments on them, making me feel really loved and accepted.

Everyone in the room watched intently as Dean and Michael took their vows.

"I do," said Dean, grinning at Michael with his widest smile, the one that he only ever used around his boyfriend, which disappeared in that difficult time when he was arguing with his mother and only Michael was able to bring back. Michael couldn't take his eyes off Dean even as the vicar asked him the questions; they were too absorbed in each other's eyes.

"I do," he said, smiling back at Dean just as widely. They slipped the rings onto each other's fingers gently, giggling slightly as they fumbled with them. I was pretty sure they'd melted the hearts of everyone in the room with their cuteness. Eventually, they managed it without too many problems, and they managed to tear their eyes away from each other long enough to look up at the vicar as he pronounced them officially married.

"You may now kiss the groom," he said, holding his hands up and smiling. Michael leant over and gave Dean a tender kiss on the lips then pulled away quickly, flushing and smiling at the floor in embarrassment. Dean rolled his eyes and pulled Michael towards him by the waist, giving him a more passionate kiss. A small whoop came from the front row, where Luke, Calum and Ashton were applauding louder than anyone else. When Dean finally broke away and allowed Michael to breathe, winking at him cheekily, Michael shook his head, his cheeks bright red, but he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

The vicar said a few final words, and then everyone stood up as confetti rained down on the couple, who were holding hands proudly in their matching black suits. Michael's hair was a deep blue, so dark that it looked almost black unless you looked closely, and they were both wearing light blue ties. They looked so perfect standing together, and I whipped out my camera to capture the moment. They led the way out of the church, everyone else gradually following them into the dry Australian heat.

After everyone had taken more pictures than I could ever have imagined possible, we headed to a nearby reception hall to have lunch. The meal went quickly, as I chatted to people I had known since I first met Michael and Dean, and others I had never met before, and enjoyed the delicious food. I watched with admiration as people made speeches, laughing as Ashton spoke about the story of how Michael and Dean met, and feeling happy tears prick my eyes as I relived my own memories of their relationship. They cut the cake, leading to even more pictures, and then the guests dissolved into conversation again and desserts were served.

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