Chapter 11

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Emily's POV

"Pleeeeeeease don't make me go!" Maddy groaned, burying her face in her pillow. I sat down on the edge of her bed and sighed.

It was about a week since she had last spoken to Ashton, when they had argued at our flat, and she had been miserable ever since. I had tried to persuade her to come out with me and have fun, or even just meet me for lunch between my university lectures, but she had refused, and stayed in the flat watching Netflix all day.

However, that day we were having a tour reunion, of everyone who had taken part in the tour last year, and we had scheduled it months ago for the only day that everybody could make.

"Maddy, you know how long this has been organised for, and how much everyone is looking forward to it..."

"Can't you tell them I'm ill?"

"Nobody will believe me," I sigh. "Come on, maybe this will be a good thing, maybe you and Ash will make up."

"I doubt it," she sniffed. "Not in front of everyone."

"Okay, well you don't even have to talk to him," I said, changing tactics. "Just come and have fun with me, and Flavia and Jojo. Forget about Ash."

"Fine," she said, getting up miserably.


"There are more people here than I expected," I said quietly to Luke, wrapping myself around his arm as we entered a room with smart tables, which had been hired for the event.

"Yeah, well it was originally only going to be a few of us, but Chris thought it would be nice if we invited back everyone who had helped with the tour, kind of to say thank you to them, I guess. I mean, apart from the party at the end, we never really thanked everyone properly." I nodded, remembering Chris, their tour manager, and how friendly he had been to everyone that was involved.

"Emily," Maddy whispered over my shoulder. "You can't just go off with Luke, otherwise I have nobody to be with. This is even more awkward than I thought it was going to be." We had met up with Luke at the entrance to the building, but Michael, Ashton and Calum were hovering in another corner of the room, whispering and looking at us.

"Sorry," I said, letting go of Luke's arm and walking between them.

"Luke, perfect! Emily and Maddy too, wonderful! I've put you guys on some tables over here, with the rest of the boys, Jojo, Flavia, and Dean, since I know that you all get along..." Chris babbled on about the seating arrangements and I sent Maddy a sympathetic look. He led us over to the middle of the room, where there was one table of four, and one table of five, and I noticed Flavia and the rest of her band standing awkwardly next to them.

"Flavia!" I called. "How are you?"

"I'm wonderful, thank you," she said, giving me a hug. I greeted the rest of her bandmates, and we said hello to Dean.

"Jojo!" called Flavia excitedly, and all our faces broke into a smile as a familiar figure with red hair came over to join us.

"Hi guys!"

"It's been ages since we saw you!" I realised, giving her a hug.

"I know, I've missed you all," she said, pouting. "Oh, here come the others!" I turned around hesitantly to find Cal, Ash and Michael approaching us.

"Jojo!" said Michael happily. I suddenly felt incredibly awkward standing next to Ashton, even though everything was really fine between us. I couldn't help feeling a loyalty to Maddy – I had known her much longer than everyone else here – but I did feel sorry for Ashton.

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