Chapter 3

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Zoey's pov

"Here you go, brats. Eat up," Tim says, dropping two plates of food in front of us. Cindy and I glare at him as he walks back upstairs.

"It could be worse. It could be fast food every night," I mutter, picking at the peanut butter and jelly sandwich on my plate.

Cindy nods, then starts to eat her chicken nuggets.

Almost immediately, her face turns red. She starts gasping for air. Her throat starts to swell. My eyes widen.

"Cindy! What's wrong?" I yell, grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Peanut oil. They were cooked in peanut oil," she chokes out. She was allergic to peanuts. The nuggets were cooked in peanut oil.

I jump up from my seat and run up the stairs. On the top stair was a miracle from God. Tim dropped his cell phone. I grab it and dial 911.

"Hello what's your emergency?" The man on the other line asks me.

"My little sister is allergic to peanuts and is having a severe allergic reaction. She can't breathe. We don't have an EpiPen," I cry.

"What's your location?" He demands.

"I don't know. We were kidnapped and-"

"Just stay on the phone. We're tracing your call. Are your kidnappers home?" He questions.

"I'm not sure. I think the man is. I'm not sure about the woman," I say, trying to be helpful.

"Are they violent?"

"They can be," I admit, rubbing my head where Tim had kicked me. I hear Cindy gasping louder and faster. I will the ambulance to get here sooner.

My prayers were answered. I almost dance after I hear the front door get busted down. Then the basement door. Paramedics rush down and get both of us. They load Cindy up on a stretcher, shouting orders to each other. The last two walk me upstairs. They load the two of us into the back of an ambulance, speeding to the hospital.

"This one goes to emergency care. Now!" The head paramedic shouts. The others nod and roll Cindy off on her stretcher. Then a few nurses come out of the hospital and lead me upstairs.

"I need you to answer some questions for the two of us. Okay?" The police officer asks. I nod wearily.

"Did your kidnappers touch either of you girls in inappropriate ways?" I shake my head no.

A few questions later, I was finished. The police officer leaves. Then the doctor. A new doctor walks in shortly.

"Zoey?" She questions. I nod. She sends me a sympathetic smile. Panic rises up in my throat.

"Your friend, Cindy, is in critical confition. We got there just a little too late and her allergy was just a little too severe. The odds are stacked against her. She really shouldn't be having any visitors, but she requested you," she explains. I bite down on my lip. I can't lose Cindy too.

"Zoey?" My little sister's voice calls out weakly.

I rush over to her bedside, "I'm here."

"Promise me that you'll get back with the boys," she says.

"I will. And you will too. You'll live with us too. I know they'll take you in," I promise her.

Cindy smiles, although it looked painful, "No. I'm going to finally go see my mom and dad again." I shake my head no. Her mom and dad had died a year ago. In a car accident.

"Cindy," I cry, "please don't leave me. Please, you're my little sister. I need you here."

"Zoey, you don't need me. But just remember to always keep hope. Don't let anything break your spirit. Promise me now," she demands, gripping my hand tightly.

I nod, "I promise."

"Good," she mutters. Then her hand goes slack in mine. Her arms fall limply beside her. The light leaves her eyes. Then the heart machine lets out a long beep, almost mocking me. I bury my face on the bed, sobbing. It just wasn't fair!"

I feel a hand rest on my back. Then another. And another two. Four hands. I sniffle and lift my head up, slowly turning to look behind me. I gasp seeing Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael.

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