Chapter 48

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Zoey's pov

"Hey girls," Michael greets, not looking away from his video game.

"Where's my baby boy?" I demand, setting down my shopping bags.

"He's asleep in his crib over there," Michael answers, nodding towards the portable crib in the corner of the family room.

I grin and walk over to the crib, anxious to see my baby again.

"Hello Connor," I say, picking up my son. He stares up at me, a smile on his face.

"Is he asleep still?" Bryana asks, ready to hold him.

"No, he's awake. But you can't hold him yet. Connor needs to eat lunch," I tell her, as I walk to the kitchen to get his bottle. I put it in the microwave, then wait for it warm up.

"Can I please feed him?" Bryana begs after I walk back into in family room.

"Sure. Here you go," I say, passing the bottle and baby to Ashton's girlfriend.

She smiles widely and cradles Connor to her chest.

"His hair isn't a different color, so I won't kill you, Michael," I state, smiling at my older brother.

"His hair isn't a different color, but yours is. Why did you decide to dye it?" Michael asks, pausing his video game.

"I was just tired of the purple, green, and blue. You like it?" I ask, twirling a piece of my newly dyed light pink hair.

"It looks good. I need to re-dye my hair. I'm just too lazy to do it," he says. I roll my eyes.

"Honey, I'm home!" Ashton yells, running into the family room.

"Hey Ashton," Bryana says, smiling at her boyfriend.

"Hey babe. Nice hair, Zoey," he says, sitting down beside me and Bryana. He grins at Connor, making faces at the baby.

"When does Peyton get home?" Bryana questions, passing Connor back over to me.

"Any time now. And then, we are going upstairs to hang out. Well, Connor and I are going to keep him company while he does his homework," I tell them.

As if on que, Peyton walks through the front door, looking exhausted.

"Hey Peyton. Have a lot of homework?" Bryana asks, eyeing his huge book bag. He nods.

"Bye guys. We'll be upstairs if you guys need us," I say, standing up with Connor. The three of us walk upstairs to my room.

"I'm so tired," Peyton mutters, closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry baby," I say, running my fingers through his hair, which was currently dyed green, "now you know why I dropped out of school."

"You really are the smart one out of the two of us. Maybe I should just drop out," he says.

"Don't do that. You're definitely the smart one. I'm so proud of you," I tell my boyfriend.

A smile spreads across his face, "You make me proud too, babe. Hey guess what!"

"What?" I ask, happy to see Peyton smiling.

"Prom is coming up soon," he starts.

"Oh really?" I ask, biting my lip, smiling.

"Yep. And how would you, the most beautiful girl ever, like to be my date to my date to prom?" Peyton questions, reopening his eyes. He sits up, grabbing my hands.

"I would love to be your date to prom, Peyton Dylan," I reply, leaning forward and kissing him. He grins and kisses me back.

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