Part One; Chapter Seven

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Results of Training

It seemed like deja vu. The next day, the day after I come home from a year of being away some little punks jump the fence into my yard where I'm watching my sister. I instantly recognize them. It's the same little punks that hopped the fence and started with me last year.

They looked as ridiculous as last time. Pants sagging, sideways hats practically hanging off their heads and a cigarette in one of their mouths.

"Hey, look at this! The 'lil bitch is back."

This is gonna be too easy.

I look at them and raised an eyebrow.

"Get out of here. Right now."

They started laughing obnoxiously. I don't think they realize just how much I'm going to enjoy doing this. I keep my cool and stand my ground.

The biggest one who had the cigarette in his mouth started walking towards me and tried to intimidate me, cocking his head in sync with his over swaying arms and shoulders. I really couldn't help but to laugh in his face at his ridiculous walk. He got up to me and pushed my shoulder.

"Ya still think I'm funny bish?"

I cracked my neck and knuckles. "Not anymore tough guy." I say defiantly. He was a little bit taller than me and about half as built as I was.

"Look buddy if you're looking for a fight either take a swing or take your little buddies and hard assed attitude somewhere else because it's not welcome here and neither are you."

I hear a meek, frightful sound behind me. I turned and saw my little sister shaking in fear and staring blankly at us.

"Alice, get inside!" I yell at her. "I'll take care of these idiots you just go on inside." She scrambled up and run back into the house. It's just us now boys. His eyes get wide and he curled a devious smile across his face.

"Hold up. These 'idiots'? You gonna fight all three of us at once? C'mon boys let's see what he got!"

I quickly snap into my stance as they rush at me. The guy in front of me takes a swing at me with his right. I sway out of the way effortlessly.

"You're too slow! You're too slow!" I said, taunting him in a sing-song voice. Tybult taught me that if your opponent is too mad to fight with a clear head he will lose. I blocked the left hook he threw, swayed under his extended arm and hit him in the stomach as hard as I could.

He tried to scream in pain but all he got out was a groan and a sharp intake of air before he fell to his knees holding his stomach and vomited.

One of them screamed at me, running toward me with his fist drawn back like a foolish moron. I swayed out of the way and tripped him. He fell face first into the fresh puddle of puke. I got distracted and got put into a headlock and lifted up. I couldn't breath at all. This didn't bode very well... for him that is.

I took my hand and stuck the index finger in his eye socket. He released his grip and I drove my elbow into his stomach and when he was bent over in pain I punched him in the mouth. He twisted back and hit the ground groaning. I shook the pain off my knuckles. I turned around and saw the first guy standing there looking at me. He threw a blind punch at me. I covered up and blocked it with no effort. I kicked him in the side and his head sunk to my level. This could not have been more perfect.

I hit him square in the nose with a right jab, then below his right eye with a left jab. I planted my left foot on the ground, twisted my body around and hit him in the jaw with the heel of my right foot. His head snapped back violently then he hit the ground unconscious. The other two had managed to get up and were looking at me terrified.

"Take him and get outta here or you're next." They scramble to get him out of my yard and leave. They won't be back.

I walk inside and wash the small amount of blood off my knuckles. My dad had actually just came home when I started fighting. He told me that he saw the entire thing. Patting me on the back he whispered; "Good job kid. Your uncle would be proud of you. Lord knows I am. Just try not to fight too much alright?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll try not to dad. But they started it. I told them to leave but they didn't listen! I didn't have a choice." He gave me a can of Pepsi and told me too drink it and calm down so the headache wouldn't be as bad. I questioned the headache statement and he explained that after your first few real fights you almost always have a headache.

Boy was he right. It really sucks too. But it was a small price to pay and it would have been worse if I hadn't fought them. I'm only nine years old and I fought three kids older than me and won. I was strong. I was fast. In my mind I was completely unstoppable! School was going to start in a few weeks. I couldn't wait!

Four years pass...

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