Part Two; Chapter Twenty-Four

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The Final Test

After so very long I was finally allowed to take the weights off. Taking one simple step felt like walking on the moon. I could throw punches and kicks with more speed and power than ever before. I tossed the weights aside.

I walked up to the heavy bag and barely jabbed it and it nearly flew off the chain! This was incredible! I was smiling and tapping the heavy bag with satisfying results. It swayed back and forth with each punch. I boxed it for a while, swaying out of the way of imaginary punches at incredible speed. I even surprised myself honestly. I saw Ren out of the corner of my eye.

"Drake. I have one final test for you. You will not enjoy this."

"Oh God. What has that old man got cooking in that crazy head of his?" I thought, slightly anxious and a little terrified.

I was instructed to stand in the middle of the basketball court. Final test? It seemed like normal training at first. As usual he went to get his bow and some of his tipless arrows. When he returned he didn't have his bow... He was loading a bolt with a large steel broad head into a black steel crossbow! Just stay calm. Go on instinct. Just focus Drake. You got this.

He leveled the black crossbow and aimed it straight at me. I saw the look in his eyes. We both knew that if I failed this "final test" I would surely be killed by the bolt. No fear. No pain. No death. Only victory. I'm calm and ready for anything. I can do this! I breathe in. Then out.

"Okay, Master! I'm ready for it!" I say as I snap into my fighting stance and a confident smile curls across my face.

I focus. I see his index finger squeeze the trigger. I hear the trigger creak. The bolt traveling down the crossbow, the broadhead scraping against the crossbow's steel. I hear the veins on the bolt's rear cutting through the air. I see the black painted aluminium bolt traveling toward me, making a bee line to my face. Total awareness. Almost peaceful.

I sidestep and catch the bolt halfway down it's shaft. I stare at the completely unbloodied broad head tipped bolt. I drop the bolt and look at my master. He's smiling. Not a cocky or amused smile but one of pride and favor toward me.

"You have done well Drake. Rest up and leave in the morning. You're ready."

All I did the rest of that day was lightly jog around the track a little to cool my body down and then I meditated with Ren for the remainder of my time there. I was nervous for the battle that lie ahead but at the same time a feeling of peace washed over me. Confidence rather than cockyness. Determination rather than anger. This training had not only made my body stronger but it made my mind aware. My soul awakened.

Somewhere, I could feel a beat. A pulse. Distant but close at the same time. I focused on that while I meditated. The sound of my heartbeat filled my ears. Like war drums. Beating. Synchronized with that distant pulse. I knew it was Alice. Whether this was a figment of my imagination or not doesn't change the fact that I could feel Alice's presence. 

It finally dawned on me that there is a high chance I could die tomorrow. I can't think like that. I have to fight and if I die it will be a man's death; a warrior's death. An honorable death in the heat of battle. I am not afraid any longer. If I'm still too weak to beat these men then at least I'll buy time for Alice and the other kids in the compound to run. I pray that Gideon and Sheamas trained hard and trained Alice to be strong in the face of danger.

I fell fast asleep that night and awoke at first light to leave the Dojo. I gave Ren my goodbyes and he blessed me before I took off. I found my bearings and got to walking.

I was ready for the coming battle. What I wasn't ready for, was it's cost... 

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