Part One; Chapter Sixteen

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Family fights

His gigantic elbow came straight for me. He uses a lot of elbows in his striking. I'll have to remember that.

I covered up and the impact felt like my arm got hit by a train. I landed a body uppercut on his bedrock abs which staggered him a bit, but he recoved quick enough to land a kick on my floating ribs. "Ignore the pain Drake. Embrace it and let it fuel your fight. Never forget that Drake." I had to listen to my uncle. He knew best.

I think I've met my match. He's probably gonna kill me. I landed a left jab to his chin and an inside right hook to his jaw. I hit him as hard as I could and it barely moved his head. Yeah, I'm fucked...

An Irish voice rang out from the front of the crowd. I honestly didn't hear him. I was kind of fighting for my life at the moment.

"Stop this fighting!"

We were exchanging blows and couldn't hear anything other than our battle.

"I said, stop this right fucking now before I knock the shit outta both of you idiots!"

He threw a jab at me and I caught it. I threw one at him and he caught it. We both pulled in nose to nose with each other, a look of malice on both our faces. We tried to hit each other with knee strikes but they kept on colliding with each other. We readed both our heads back for a headbutt. Then the very, very angry irish voice cried out again.

"Okay! That's it!"

He went between us and pushed us apart. It was like pushing air to him. He hit Gideon in the face with such speed I could hardly see it. His head snapped back and he fell to the ground unconcious. What kind of monster of strength is Sheamas anyway? He, with no hesitation or delay, turned around completly and right before everything went black I saw a huge irish fist headed right for me. I woke up three hours later.

Gideon and I were both in the clinic when we came to. We regained conciousness around the same time. We weren't even on the beds! We were on the floor in front of them. The first thing we saw was Sheamas sitting in a chair right in front of us with his arms and legs crossed with an expression of rage on his face.

"Now that you're awake," he said calmly to give us a false sense of security. "What the bloody fucking hell happened out there?" He screamed at the absolute top of his lungs, his face turning blood red from rage and irritation. I could literally see a pulsing blood vein in his forehead. He was royally pissed!

"Well-" Gideon and I started in unison but were cut off just as quickly.

"Shut the fuck up!" Sheamas shouted. "Shut it, you dumbasses! One at a fucking time! Gideon! What the hell happened?"

He told Sheamas what happened and after Sheamas got done cussing him out and spouting insults at him he turned to me and demanded my side of the story. I told him and the room was filled with profanity and insults directed toward me the second I finished.

"Gideon! You're not required to kill anyone! It's his choice and his alone! I will not accept you making us all look bad in front of the people we're supposed to be protecting! That goes for the both of you!"

We entered a very awkward silence that was broken only by Sheamas' heavy breathing of frustration.

"That kind of behavior is completly unaccecptable. You're both getting half ration for the next month and in that month you're gonna get real tired of seeing each other! You're gonna be with David... Cleaning the shitters!"

He told us to go home and that he didn't want to see us till tomorrow. This is so screwed up. If it weren't for Alice loving it here and making friends I'd say to Hell with it and leave. Gideon is such a moron.

This was gonna be a long month...

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