Part One; Chapter Fifteen

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The First Day

The sound of a pre-set alarm woke me up. All the alarms in the compound are on a set time. Everyone's got a job I suppose. I'm used to getting up early but the alarm just adds to the natural feeling of malice to waking up early. The blinking red numbers and beeping noise. I don't know why but it just pissed me off.

I got Alice breakfast and sent her to "daycare" I guess you could call it that, and I reported to Sheamas. He was giving a group briefing to the Peacekeepers. People were either standing, sitting in a fold out chair or leaning against the wall in the back. I saw an empty brown chair and claimed it before one of the other Peacekeepers did.

Out of all the talking I heard a mighty voice cry out from like thunder.

"Shut! Up!"

That would be Gideon. The room fell completely silent at his voice. You could hear a pin drop. I saw Sheamas walk on a platform and then to a podium (that they either found or built, I couldn't really tell.)

"Good morning Gentlemen! I have some announcements to make. As you all know, The Fallen Kings have slowly began expanding for the last year or so now. Oddly enough though the last few weeks have been dead quiet, even in their region. There hasn't been a single one spotted within a mile of here. This could be because they've given up on their little 'war' against us or they're building strength and planning an attack. I just want all of you to remember our three greatest weapons we have. Courage, tenacity and vigilance. That is our way. Now that's enough for the announcements, time to get down to business."

He rattled off a bunch of names and what he wanted them to do and where to do it. A lot of them had set jobs and "knew what to do". Gideon was right beside Sheamas the entire time with his arms crossed like a bouncer. It crossed my mind that he was Sheamas' bodyguard. It wouldn't surprise me if he was honestly.

"Drake, you're with Gideon. You two are gonna patrol the water purifiers and solar panels."

I knew right off this was an important job. He must have a lot of faith in my abilities if it came down to it. Well, I have a job to do so I better get down to it.

Gideon and I were the last to leave. It was unseasonably hot outside and, needless to say, the solar panels were in the place that gets the most sunlight so it sucked pretty bad. Like it really sucked. We just patrolled in silence. Neither one of us talked much which suited me just fine.

We just walked side by side for about three hours. Out of nowhere we heard the sound of glass shattering. It was at the far end of the solar panel field. There were three guys bashing up a couple panels. I heard Gideon curse in Hebrew and he took off.

We both ran toward them at full speed. The closer we got the less surprised I was to see what they were. Fallen fucking Kings. I'm really starting to understand why The Peacekeepers hate these pricks so much.

At a simple glance I could tell that they were stoned out of their minds. I saw their dilated pupils and facial expressions. Their teeth were rotting out of their skulls and their eye sockets were sunken in, their skin as tight as leather on their dirty faces and scrawny arms.  Disgusting creatures.

Gideon had gotten ahead of me and swiped his elbow across one of their faces. It literally bounced off the guy's jaw and knocked him back. Sounds like Gideon shattered it.

One took a swing at me with a right hook. These imbeciles can't fight worth a shit. I blocked it and hit him in the sternum with the heel of my right hand. The hit knocked the air out of the guy's lungs. I kneed him in the gut a few times then kicked his calf which broke the the bone out of the skin. He squealed in pain and fell to the ground bleeding and crying.

"Breathe you pussy, I didn't even kick you that-"

I heard the sound of a vertebrae crack. Which was followed by the sound of a desperate man begging for his life. I turned around only to see Gideon's massive boot stamp on a throat. It was the Fallen King he elbowed. I couldn't believe it. He killed them both right there.

"Good job Drake," he said to me with a smile on his face. "now finish him off."

I swore that I would never kill another person ever again. I promised myself, Alice and on my very soul that I would never take another human life as long as I live.

"I'm sorry Gideon. I can't kill him. I won't kill him."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed at me.

"C'mon Drake, don't be weak! You have to keep these people safe! There's no other way! The world is different now and it can't survive with any naivety from bleeding heart idiots!" He was now yelling at the top of his thunderous voice.

"Okay, how about I put it to you this way? I won't kill anyone tough guy! Get over it!"

I looked around and there was a small crowd that had gathered around us.

"Damn it Drake, if you don't grow some balls and end his life right here and now I'll take your life and his right here and now! We don't need a weak link!"

He snapped into his stance with his eyes trained viciously. God help me. What is wrong with people nowadays?! Are me and Sheamas the only two civilized people left on this whole damn planet?

I quickly got into my stance.

"I don't wanna fight you Gideon! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"They are the enemy and they deserve to die!"

Then he charged at me... 

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