Part Three; Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Endless Fury

I find myself crying the whole way back. I never cried like this in all my life. All these people close to me; Alice, Gideon, Ren... What is wrong with my life? I look up and curse God.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? You fucking sack of shit!" I drop to my knees and start crying. "Fuck you." I say. "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! The freaks that have killed so many people, raped and murdered my sister and ruined my life! Send me straight to Hell for all I care, just kill the bastards that did this!"

I feel something wet hit my hand. The wind changes direction and picks up. The loud pattering gets progressively closer to me. Within a few seconds it's pouring and I'm absolutely drenched. I look up in disgust.

"Okay asshole! What the hell? Are you trying to kill me by giving me a fucking cold?" I shout like a damned fool. I continue walking but the rain just gets harder. I stick my hands in my pockets and continue on my way back South. I walk through the night hoping I'm heading in the right direction. It shouldn't be raining like this here.

I arrive early in the morning. The guard on duty recognized me and opened the gate.

"Hey Drake, Sheamas wants to talk to you. Says it's important." He calls to me. Without skipping a beat I walk right past him and flip him the bird.

"Tell Sheamas to kiss my ass. I'm going to bed."

I approach my apartment building and the second I put my hand on the knob the rain stops. It wasn't slowly it immediatly stopped. I pause a moment and sigh annoyed then walk in and go my apartment on the second floor. I don't change clothes, I don't dry off, I just sit on the couch and sleep.

I wake up, I drink some water every now and then, I might eat something small if anything at all. The days blur together pretty bad. Day and night? Same difference. One day I hear a knock on my door. It's probably Sheamas. Disgruntled, I get up and walk toward the door. I open it and, of course Sheamas is right there. I'm not even able to get a word out.

"You missed your own sister's funeral. I sent people up here to get you and you never even opened the door except once and when you did you choked the poor fellow and told him to 'fuck off before you fed him his liver'". What the hell? I don't remember any of this.

"Ive been sending people up here for a week. Every single one of them were Alice's friends! She made so many friends when you were gone!"

"You know what Sheamas? Fuck you!" I shout. I had enough. He's doing nothing but piss me off. Everything he said was true and I knew it. I guess I just stopped caring about anything finally.

"Okay! That's it!" He shouts back. "I have tried to be nice to you Drake! I have tried to show you some fucking sympathy! I have tried helping you but no; you just have to act like a fucking hardass don't ya? Alice was my friend Drake! She wasn't just your sister, she was mine too!" He's breathing heavy now. Tears of sadness and anger have started flowing down his cheeks. "I loved her like my own sister! Gideon loved her! Everyone she ever met loved her! She had family here! So if you think you're the only one torn apart by her death, you are sadly mistaken! I know what you're going through. Please just let me-"

"Oh shut your mouth! You have no idea what I'm going through! You have never felt loss like this!" The second I finished, I barely had the chance to react to his fist slamming into my mouth, knocking me down.

"You selfish jackass! You think you're the only person that's ever lost someone? I lost the love of my life and my child! You shut your mouth and don't you dare preach to me about loss because you don't know shit! I never finished my story did I? When you first came. Get up, sit the fuck down and listen. You need to learn a lesson you shit head."

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