Part Two; Chapter Thirty-One

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Rest Period

A few hours later I regain consciousness. I'm in the clinic laying on the bed and Sheamas is sitting in a chair. I sit up and feel every single sore muscle struggle to support my weight. 

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Feel a bit better?" Sheamas says to me. God, I missed this walking stereotype more than I thought. I rub the back of my neck.

"I guess I'm better than being dead. Or paralyzed for that matter. Speaking of which what happened to the rest of The Crimson Squad?" I see a smile curl across his face.

"A small group of Fallen Kings came to retrieve them. With them was a guy that was speaking for their leader. He was sent to inform us that The Fallen Kings will formally end any and all hostilities against us and remove their men from any land within a five mile radius of us. I had no clue that stupid people could do something so smart." My eyes widened at this news.

"My God," I said. "It's over. It's finally over. This damned war is over." I almost couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth. Sheamas smiled and nodded.

"That it is Drake. It's all because of you brother. You have no clue how much hope you give these people. A man who is a fierce, dangerous fighter that crushes anyone he goes against but refuses to kill anyone! You truly are one of a kind."

I had no clue how to respond. I felt honored. In a world gone to hell and falling apart I'm a beacon of hope to a struggling people. Sounds stupid saying it out loud. But it feels good. 

"The people wanna see their champion Drake." Sheamas says. "Let's go. Don't worry about the bandages they all saw the fight, they'll understand."

"I'd love to but they can wait a little while longer. I'd like to see Alice please."

"Ya see Drake-"

"I'll tell ya what I fucking see Sheamas." I interrupted as rudely as possible. "I'm seeing the only person on the planet separating me from Alice. I want to see my sister Sheamas. Right fucking now." I hopped off the bed and got up in Sheamas' face. "I'm not asking you. I'm telling you what's about to happen you haggis eating, whiskey chugging jackass. Don't make me have to knock your ass out. What's it gonna be?" We stood there, fists clenched, staring each other down.

"Don't go off all half cocked Drake. Sit the fuck down. I'll get her." I smiled like a smartass then thanked him in an equally smartassed manner.

He opened the door and saw him motion someone. With little delay I see a girl shove past Sheamas like he wasn't even there, locking right onto me and sprinting into my arms. I fell backward and onto my butt from the force of her slamming into me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she buried her face into my shoulder just as I buried my face into her shoulder. She pulled her head away and looked at me. Neither of us said a word.

I look at this beautiful young lady in front of me. She's a teenager now. It's amazing how time flies. I can't help myself. I can't hold it back any longer. My eyes explode with warm tears flowing down my cheeks. I wrap my arms completely around her.

"I'm never leaving you again Alice! I promise I'll never leave you ever again! No matter what happens. We're safe here now."

She coughs loudly. "Drake! You're gonna squish me!" She says in a forced high pitch voice. I loosened my grip a little.

"Sorry 'bout that Alice. I just missed you so much."

"That fight was insane though!" She says. "I knew you were fast but that was intense! I could barely follow your movements. That was just crazy!" I smiled and poked the tip of her nose.

"Nah, you're crazy. You've grown a lot but you're still a midget ya know that?" We both started laughing. She playfully punches me in the shoulder. I get up and we leave the building ignoring all the people who wanna try talking to me. Sorry guys, but this is a bit more important.

Thankfully they hooked us up with a new apartment that was literally the same with no exception. We both sit down on the couch and I sigh in exhaustion. She pokes my bicep and her face drops.

"Oh wow." She says, obviously amazed.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Drake, you got some muscle on ya! What did that guy feed you?"

I thought about that for a moment. Did I really eat rice and beans every meal for a year?

"Beans and rice Alice. Too damn many beans and rice." She laughed a little. Oh, how I missed that sweet little laugh of hers. For a moment there... it was just the two of us in the world again. She asked me how Ren trained me. I opened up and didn't stop talking until the story was over. She just sat there and listened. Hanging on to every word. I told her about the intense discipline, the weights hanging off my body, the arrows, all of Ren's teachings.

She fell asleep on my shoulder. I looked down and smiled as I ran my fingers through her soft hair. She's grown so much in this past year. My best friend. The one constant in each others lives. Back together at last. I leaned over and kissed the top of her forehead.

"I'm never leaving again Alice. I promise. I love you kid." I whisper to her. I see a smile come and go in a flash.

I never slept that well in my life. The next day we buried the fallen Peacekeepers. It was the first time I'd ever seen Sheamas cry. Alice spent the whole time with her head buried into my arm crying. She knew them better than I did. Unlike me she watched her close friends being lowered into the ground in decently made caskets. I didn't start crying until I saw Gideon being lowered ceremoniously into the earth. I bowed my head respectfully as I felt sorrowful tears go down my cheeks. My body shook as my sadness poured out of my eyes and onto the ground.

Ashes to ashes; dust to dust.

"Goodbye Gideon." I said. "This world lost a great man and a great fighter. I'll miss you so much. Thank you for teaching Alice and watching over her. I'm glad I could avenge you my friend. Rest in peace brother."

Too many holes in the ground. Too many men dead. Too many more orphans now. A few without a roof over their head but many Peacekeepers decided to sleep in the base and relinquish their homes so others could use it. I tried to offer mine up and share it but everyone rejected the offer. (Many people are overly grateful for being saved if you ask me.)

I don't have the slightest clue how The Fallen Kings got the Crimson Squad to attack us in the first place but honestly I could care less. We're all safe now. I'll make sure of that.

As long as there is life in this body I will protect these people no matter what. As long as these people need someone to look up to I'll always be here. I'm never leaving. I'm strong enough to protect them against anything that comes our way. I will protect the innocent and the helpless until I breathe my last.

I am a Peacekeeper...

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