Part Two; Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Crimson Squad

I've been walking for a few hours before I smell something in the air. My heart drops and I stop dead in my tracks. I recognize it as burning plastic and wood. It was a thick and sickening stench. The smell churned my stomach and as I scanned the horizon I see the pillar of black smoke rising... Oh shit! That's exactly where the Peacekeepers are! 

I look frantically for another form of transportation. I see a bike covered with rust and vines discarded at the side of the road. I rip it away from the vines and parts of it's previous owner. I remove the bleached skeletal hand from one of the handlebars and toss it aside. I hopped on the ripped seat and began peddling as fast as I could. I've been walking for a long time so I can't be more than a few miles away. I should be there in no time with how fast I'm going on this rusty old bike that I continually pray doesn't fall apart.

Alice... Sheamas... Gideon...

"Hold on! I'm on my way! Please be alive when I get there."

It wasn't long before the compound was in sight. I peddled faster and faster. I could feel the muscles in my legs straining but I can't afford to be late. Every second wasted is one closer to someone dying. I can't allow this to happen! I don't even know if the fire was started by the Crimson Squad but I can't take the chance with this big of a threat.

I'm close enough now to see the gate! It's wide open and I have a perfect view of the apartment building on fire and I can eleven, no make that twelve, ghastly figures standing out from the many that are just standing and watching two of those figures fighting. One of the figures was inhumanly large though. The closer I got the more I recognized one of the figures... My God it was Sheamas! He was getting the shit beat out of him, with every passing second he was getting closer to death.

It's definitely them. I'm still peddling as fast as I can now. I'm breathing heavily now. Don't you dare pass out! C'mon you ugly bastard! Peddle faster!

As I pass into the compound I make a bee line toward the figure with his foot on Sheamas' chest with the notion that a bike slamming into someone at about thirty miles an hour give or take would hurt damn near anyone. I balance myself on the seat and leap off as the bike slams and wraps around the monstrous person's head and shoulders. I hit the ground, roll and pop back up. I look at the large man as he stumbles off Sheamas and fall on his back, struggling to get the bike off and process the latest events. The rusted metal had wrapped and twisted around his hulking figure.

I calmly walk over to Sheamas; who is laying on the ground trying desperately to catch his breath, rapidly panting and subtly groaning in pain. He's badly bruised all up and down his sides, his shirt tore to rags and his eyes are wide open and unmoving. I begin to imagine the worst until I see his eyes slowly move toward me and his lips begin to move, barely forming words successfully.

"I-I'm s-sorry D-Drake. I couldn't st-stop them." Then he falls into unconsciousness. I lift him up and begin to carry him over to Alice and the crowd of Peacekeepers behind her. I felt the air behind me shift.

"Drake watch out!" Alice screams. I knew the punch was coming before she even saw the guy get up. I duck away from it, twist around and kick the massive attacker in his chest, pushing him away. He stumbles and falls back while I don't skip a beat walking with Sheamas' unconscious body in my arms. I lay him down in front of Alice.

"One of you get him some medical attention, the rest get that fire put out! Move! I'll handle these assholes." I turn around and look at the group of men attacking us. They all have looks of excitement on their tattooed faces. The largest one seemed to have recovered fully from my assault. His face was cut up from the bike's rusted remains that wrapped around his head. They're looking for a fight. I'll give them one alright. I clear my throat and look directly at the men.

"I'll give you this one chance." I addressed them calmly. "Leave now and you will not be harmed. You have my word." They immediately burst into laughter. I'm not laughing. I stay calm and hold my ground. I've already caught my breath from the ride here.

"Who the fuck is this guy? Someone please kill him!" One of them shouts out.

The largest one walks up to me, still pissed from me putting him on his ass twice in the span of a minute. "And just who the hell do you think you are?" He asked me in a deep voice. I kept my composure. No fear.

"Oh, hi. My name's Drake. I'm here to kick your ass." Without hesitation he decides to answer my challenge.

"Do you think for one second that you can beat me little fish? The strongest member of the Crimson Squad; The Terror of the South? The mighty Russel Hughes?" He sounds like a washed up wrestler. I'm gonna enjoy this more than I should.

"You can't beat me no matter how hard you try. No matter how tough you think you might be... I've got you completely outclassed." I say. I see his teeth clench in anger . His face turns completely red. He was pissed! Good. That means he's more likely to slip up.

"I'm faster than you. I'm stronger than you. If you manage to land a hit on me, I can take anything you can dish out. You've already lost." I taunted. Don't get too cocky Drake. Just end this.

"How dare you!" He shouts. (Great, more ridiculous bravado.) "How dare you address me like that! I will squash you like the pathetic insect that you are! Your bones will snap like twigs before my might!" This guy needs his mouth shut for him. "I will-"

My fist slamming across his jaw effectively shuts him up thank God. He stumbles back but regains his balance without falling.

"Will you shut the fuck up? Your voice is annoying as hell!" I shout, breaking my composure. Worth it.

His gave immediatly snaps back to me. He shouts at the top of his lungs that he is going to kill me.

Little does he know that I'm just getting started...

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