Part Two; Chapter Thirty-Four

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I hoped he killed me. I really did. I prayed that I was dead or that death would come quick... No such luck for me. The blackness subsides with a familiar sight. The "clinic" in the back of the base. I hear silent sobbing in front of me. I lift myself up to see Sheamas with his hands covering his face, sobbing heavily. He had shaved his head. He was mourning. Say this isn't so.

"Sheamas?" I called for him. He slowly removed his hands from his face and he looks right at me with bloodshot, tear swollen eyes.

"Drake..." He struggles to say. "I am so sorry." He is barely able to force those words to escape his lips.

"No." I say. I say it again and again. Over and over, getting more silent every time I do until I'm found simply mouthing it over and over. I wept. All I could do was cry. I'm hyperventilating from crying so hard. What else can I do?

"Sheamas... I-I wanna see her. Please let me see her."

His face drops when I say this. "Drake," He says to me. I already know what he's gonna say. "I can't let you... It's worse than you'd believe. I'm sorry but I can't let you see that."

I stand up off the bed. he just keeps staring at me. It's hard to breath and I'm so dizzy that I can barely stand up. They prepare bodies for burial in the back of the clinic. She'll be there. I have to see her again. Just one last time. I begin to stumble there.

"Drake? Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to see my sister Sheamas. Get the fuck over it." I walk right past him and I hear him stand up. I continue walking until I feel his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to stop me. I stop walking and glare at him.

"Get your goddamn hand off me jackass."

He keeps it right there. I turn around, grab his neck and slam him against the wall so hard it shakes.

"I'm going to see her dammit!" I grip his neck tighter and lift him up off the ground. "I'm going to see my sister Sheamas!" My voice begins to fall silent as my adrenaline drops and sorrow sets in it's place. My eyes swelled with tears. I felt weak. I let him down and let go of his neck.

"Please just let me see her one last time. Please let me see my baby sister one last time... Please Sheamas." I'm crying harder now as I drop to my knees, unable to stand by myself.

"Just let me see her. Hold her for one last time. I want to see her Sheamas... I'm begging you just one last time. Let me see my baby sister... Please..."

He helps me to my feet. He agreed to let me go into the back room.

"But I'm warning ya Drake... It's bad." I thanked him and he led me there.

We slowly opened the door and walked in. I took a few steps in and he closed the door behind us. The very first thing I saw was a metal table with a white sheet covering the body of a young woman. I have to do this...

I walk toward the table and reach for the white sheet. You have to do this Drake. I slowly take the sheet off her head. I cry harder and harder the more I pull it down.

I see her pale, emotionless face. Large lacerations cover her face. Her nose was collapsed and her mouth was missing the majority of it's teeth. Her left ear was almost completely ripped off. I pull down the sheet further down to see the large cut across her neck. I couldn't bear to see what was past that point. I pull the covering up past her head and pulled her up to me. I pressed her cold body against mine and just wept. I cried into her shoulder. I lost track of time. I felt Sheamas' presence behind me and the presence of the dozens of Peacekeepers outside but despite this, for the first time in my life a feeling of absolute loneliness swept over me. It felt like was the last man on Earth.

I spent hours bawling. I cried so hard and long that I puked in the trash can beside the bed. I looked at Sheamas who had been by my side the entire time.

"Sheamas?" I said. He looked at me with fresh tears on his cheek.

"Yes? What is it Drake?" He replied.

"I'm going to kill him. That motherfucker is going to die. Nobody else. Just that one sick, sadistic sack of shit! I'm through playing games Sheamas. I'm taking on the Fallen Kings."

Time stopped as Sheamas' face went blank and he stared at me blankly, holding back his shock. The next words escaped his mouth so fluidly they seemed almost instinctive.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?"

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