Chapter 5 -Flashback-

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"December 23rd, around three years ago.."

I rubbed my arms as the cold air hit my skin, clutching my black cloak hurrying towards the cabin in the distance, a leather bag over my shoulder.

A black cloud flew past the pale moon in the sky, blocking any light from shining through to the earth for a few seconds, and rain began to fall more heavily. I inhaled the frozen air, my exhaled breaths coming out as a misty cloud.

I swallowed hard as the wooden cabin came closer, and once close enough, I unlocked it and then opened the door and rushing inside to escape the cold atmosphere.  Sighing, I rested my back against the door and was greeted by a smirking face.

"Good evening Torou." I greeted looking at her.

"Evening Yui, where's Obi?" She replied and watched me as I took my wet cloak off and walked to the fireplace to dry it.

"He's coming, he was shortly behind me a few minutes ago.."

As if on cue, we heard another pair of footsteps shuffle into the cabin to reveal Obi. His pale scarf covered his mouth, and I could see him shivering slightly due to the cold.

"You alright there Obi?" I chuckled and he muttered a reply.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Right, so while you two were out, I got us a new job."

I turned to Torou, who had that disgusting smirk still plastered onto her face. "Apparently, this royal dunce is in fear that some escaped convict is going to infiltrate his exclusive engagement party for his daughter; he wants us to act as guests to the celebration and make sure that no fishy behaviour goes on."

I sat on a chair, resting my feet on the wooden table. "I don't know if I'm up to attending a stupid ball."

"Me either." Obi muttered coldly and sat down on the chair next to me, staring intently into the flames. "I don't think I could see someone like Yui wearing a fancy dress and make up at all."

I flashed him a death look. "I guess you're right."

"But the reward is pretty high, 6,000,000 in fact." Torou said, causing me to fall of my chair.

"We're going to attend that goddamn ball whether you like it or not Obi." I shouted and jumped up to my feet.

"That's a change of character from you Yui; and why would anyone with a sane mind have a reward just to catch a criminal? It's insane." with Obi whined and I looked him straight in the eye. " I don't even know the first thing about dancing."

"WHO CARES?!" I shouted. "If you're so worried about that, I'll teach you."

I heard a snicker from Torou and I flashed her a ice-cold glare.

"Well, we don't need to meet up with the client until the day after tommorow, so you've got a whole day. I'm sure that's enough time to teach him." She shrugged and chucked the job offer onto the coffee table. "I'm hitting the hay."

"Alright, night Torou." I said and she nodded at me before walking up the stairs, leaving me and Obi alone.

Once we heard her close the door upstairs, Obi picked up the flyer with our job on it and read the bottom of the sheet.

"You and Torou can do it, I don't care if I don't get any of the reward, I have no intention of attending a stupid ball, no matter how great the reward is."

"Obi, we're a team, we should be doing this together, you know that as well as I do. Wherever we go, you go too."

"Face the facts Yui." He turned to me, venom dripping from his words. "I know exactly what's going to happen to this 'group' of ours. You're just going to turn your back on us, and leave Torou and I on our own. You don't care about us at all, I mean, you're the infamous 'Blood Scythe' you're the 'leader' of this group. No one cares about us, we're just your shadows who do your dirty work for you. We're just your pawns."

I turned around and looked at him in disgust. "How could you even think of saying that?! Of course I care about you, you're like an older brother to me Obi, and Torou is like my little sister. I've known you since we were young, I would never treat anyone like a pawn to me, no matter how many souls I've killed, or how many I will, I know that I would never turn my back on people I trust." I went to place a had on his shoulder but he slapped my hand away.

"What has gotten into you? Why are you always in such a foul mood?" I looked at him, and he clicked his tongue and muttered something before walking up the stairs.

"You really don't understand the meaning of companionship, do you Obi?!" I shouted at him before the sound of his door slamming shut.

What's gotten into him?


I shook my head in frustration at my incapability to fall asleep at the present moment. Angrily I shifted onto my back in my not-so-comfortable bed, and jadedly stared at the ceiling of mine and Torou's shared bedroom. I sighed and bit my lip, watching the paint chip off.

Shrugging, I stood up, my bare feet hitting the cold wooden floor, making a quiet creaking noise.

I looked in the cracked mirror on the wall at my attire, it wasn't exactly the thing you would wear to bed, because I never was able to fall asleep, I just changed into more comfortable clothes that were suitable for going outside.

I smoothed the creases in my top before unlocking the window and climbing up the walls of the house to the top of the ceiling.

Moonlight shone down on my pale skin as I sat down on the roof of the small building and watched the glistening stars in the sky, a sense of tranquility filling my body as I exhaled all my worries and doubts for my future.

They didn't care about you, they never did.

Don't you get it?

That's why they left you alone.

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