Chapter 21 - Lies

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This chapter is dedicated to @Baka_Neko_Nyan , thank you for all your wonderful and supportive comments. You also have some great stories on your page! Thank you for reading this story. x


~Eleven Years Ago~

That night, it was raining heavily. Each raindrop that dripped from the clouds was like ice and my frail body was able to adjust well to these sort of circumstances throughout my room being the one place that seemed to get the most cold during winter nights.

It was two days, before the death the King of Clarines. However, it was also three weeks from Kalendra's fall.

Though that particular evening was colder than usual and I was wrapped under many blankets that kept the fire in my blood burning, the comfort I experienced from this moment of being by my lonesome was hard to escape, yet my curiosity was what got the best of me.

The muffled conversation between the two men in the drawing room next door to my bedroom was somewhat and barely audible for me to hear, yet a sensation was drawing me to slip through the crack of my door and listen on what they had to say.

Unwrapping the many blankets that tightly cased my body, I was set free, yet the cold air immediately hit my bare arms like something sharp had stabbed me. Still determined, I tiptoed through my room, looking pale from the starlight peeking through my windows.

After slipping through my slightly ajar door, I found the hallway's warm atmosphere immediately heat my body up. The murmurs I heard from my room almost immediately became much more clear, inviting me to press my ear against the door.

"Do you believe this is the right choice, Masashi? For our children-"

"It will provide alliance in the near future, bringing these two kingdoms together will strengthen our sons' reigns over Clarines and Kalendra alike." A slightly deeper voice echoed this time, although they were much to familiar for me to ever forget.

"But as for the choice, will the it be Izana, or Zen? I understand that your obvious choice would be Izana, however I do believe that she has a closer relationship to Zen."

I could hear the sound of one's feet turning around on the creaking floorboards. This sound made me cringe slightly, nearly distracting me from listening in on this conversation. I could practically hear the sound of his icy glare.

Kalendra at the time must have been the most powerful kingdom of all time, much stronger than Clarines. What I disliked was how people, especially my father, used this to intimidate his underlings into following his commands.

"(Y/N) will have no choice in the matter of who I chose as her betrothed. I believe that Izana is the correct choice, so that is my final answer." My eyes widened at my father's words, and instantly I felt a disgustingly sick feeling wash over me.

The other man hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure of this decision, Masashi?" Another silence filled the air.

"Yes. (Y/N) is to be married to Izana."


My pulse was increasing as I brushed my hand against the door, hesitating to knock. Realising the chances of what could happen if I opened this door were endless, I felt the curiosity in my heart screaming. Mixed feelings and emotions, swirled round my mind and I hovered my hand a few inches away from the wooden door.

No matter how much I hated them, they were still my parents, and they always would be till the day I die.

Finally, I gathered the courage to knock on the door, hearing quiet murmurs from the same voice and shuffling footsteps after my quiet knock.

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