Chapter 7 - The Truth

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As the glowing orb in the sky began to peek of the horizon, it used its magnificent golden rays to cut through the enchanting pink sky. My eyelids slowly began to open and I felt the familiar presence of someone near me.

Slowly, I raised my heavy head to catch a glimpse of the beautiful sunrise, but my long (H/C) hair covering my eyes slightly. I brought myself to my feet and stretched my aching muscles, appreciating the sleep I had just got.

I took note of my surroundings and saw Obi using my backpack as a pillow, still asleep. I smiled and kneeled down watching him sleep peacefully, his face seemed to be at ease for once. His face twitched and he turned onto his side, then beginning to mutter some words in his sleep. I grinned and ruffled his hair, enjoying the silence.

A few moments later, the peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by my stomach growling..

Food.. I haven't eaten in days..

Whatever, I can hold on till we reach the village.

"Obi~" I sang his name and poked his cheek. "Wake up!"

The former assassin opened his right eye for a brief moment, and tightly shutting it again. "Go away, I'm trying to sleep." He muttered before turning onto his stomach, shoving his face into my bag.

After pestering him for another fifteen minutes, Obi gathered the strength to get up and we began the rest of our journey to the village. We were quick on our feet, yet we didn't run as our movements were fast enough when we walked normally.

A silence clung over the atmosphere, it wasn't what you'd call awkward, but it filled me with a strange feeling I couldn't describe. The sweltering warmth of the sun rested firmly on my shoulders, and I swallowed hard as if that would help myself cool down. Then a small breeze blows past my face, and I sighed at the comfort of a cold source. I stepped slightly to the left, so that the trees above my head protected me from the glowing sun's harsh rays.

In the distance, there was a small sound of scampering footsteps that hit my ears. I turned my head to the source, and closed my eyes. 'three on our left, and four on our right.'

'I need to time this right..'

'Damn there's not enough time..'

I turned to my right and looked at Obi who had no idea I had stopped. From the corner of my eye, I noticed that my predictions were correct, the slender arrows shot towards his head. "Dammit! Obi! Look out!" I shouted his name and reacted quickly by jumping on him. It zipped over our heads hit some trees towards the left of us.

"Wake up, will you? You're going to get yourself killed!" I shouted at him and kneeled next to him. "Let's try to finish this quickly, we have a mission to complete, and I'm starving." I muttered the last bit but Obi heard me and chuckled slightly.

I gritted my teeth and brought myself to my feet. Without needing to even take a glance, small blades shot out from above my wrists and hit the bushes in both my right and left. The sound of men howling in agony hit my ears and I turned to my left to walk towards the people lying on the floor.

They look a lot more intimidating than they actually are..

I pulled on one of the men's shrit collar, bring his face up to mine. "Out already? That was barely a fight. I didn't move an inch." I smirked and the man shot me a look of fear. Fire reflected in my eyes, and I heard the sound of another row of arrows shooting towards me.

'One, Two, Three, Four.'

I ducked my head and they one again zipped above of my head, and one of the arrows landed directly in the middle of another arrow that was already stuck to the tree, splitting it in half.

I turned and looked at Obi. "Could you deal with them, please? Those idiots are starting to get on my nerves." He smiled.

"Alright then, but only because you saved my butt back there."

I shot a grin back at Obi and then looked at the man who I held roughly by the collar. The sound of his shirt's fabric ripping made me cringe slightly, but I ignored it and looked into his black eyes. "How about this, you tell me who you work for, and I won't let a word slip about the fact that you're carrying illegal substances."

The man shot my a look of fear. "How could you.. know that?"

"I can smell it from that sack over ther it's disgusting." I scrunched my nose. "Not only that, but you reek of it."

He swallowed and nodded. "M-Masaki Amachi.. he's somewhere in the v-village over there.."

"How can you tell that they're not lying to you, Yui?" I heard Obi's voice and the sound of his familiar footsteps echoed through the forest. Behind him were three knocked out mrn

"Well they are going to escort us there of course." I smilee and put my hands on my hips, while Obi raised an eyebrow.

"Wait- hold on lady! That wasn't apart of the dea-"

A dark blue aurora surrounded my body as I turned and looked at the man. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"N-no! Nothing at all! Of course ma'm!"

"Wonderful. Now let's get moving."

Obi's P.O.V.

The village was buzzing with excitement and was quite crowded and easy to get lost in. Markets and stalls selling various different things, it wasn't exactly a place I enjoyed being in, but Yui seemed to be.

Fascinated by the environment around her, she was smiling warmly while following the group of people we had met in the forest. Slowly I watched her head turn and her eye caught a particular stall.

She slowly walked towards the shop and admired a particular necklace. It had a beautiful amber pendant with a gold rim and a small gold chain. After recieving a reply from something she said the old lady who ran the shop, her face dropped. I jogged towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, come on we're going to lose those theives."

"Oh, alright." She briefly apologised to the shopkeeper and walked away. I looked at the pendant, and then back at her as her figure dissapeared into the crowd.

I began to walk after her but the woman behind me called me. "Excuse me..?" Her voice was cracking slightly and she was shaking from her age.

Turning around I walked towards her. "Yes?"

"By any chance, are you her partner?"

It took me a second to fully process what she said and I chuckled at the thought. Like that would ever happen, she's more like a younger sister to me. "No." I shook my head.

"Oh." She looked at the necklace and picked up and turned to face me once more.

She couldn't possibly be..

"Please sir, could you give this to the young lady? For free."

I looked at her in surprise. "I couldn't. She wouldn't want me to-"

"Please sir, I have my reasons." She looked at me with a bold expression and I sighed in defeat. "Thank you.."

Slowly I walked towards her and held out my hand. She placed the necklace in my hand and then looked up at me. "Please, look after her. She.. she.."

Her body then fell limb onto the floor.

"She doesn't have long to live.."

The world was going in slow motion, a crowd surrounded the stall, and I was knocked backwards. Officers and medics pushed past people towards the stall to aid the old woman, but the shock of what she just said was evident in my eyes.

'I need to find her, now.'

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