Chapter 26 - The Colour Red

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"Still as naive as ever." The man muttered and smirked, running a hand through his brown hair before taking his first step through the hallway.

Adjusting the green shirt he wore with his right hand, he looked behind him thinking someone was following him for a moment. He stretched and then yawned before placing his hands back down to his sides and walking down the hallway.

"Obi!" He thought he heard someone call his name and stopped in his tracks, but could not sense a presence of any soul and then continued to move.

Once Obi approached the stairs he jumped down the whole flight making the wooden flooring shake beneath his boots once they hit planks. He looked around curiously, straightening his posture before taking a sharp corner, his mind numbed as he entered the room from the scene ten minutes ago.

Obi turned his head and saw the teenager from earlier reading a book, looking even more bored than from when they first entered.

"Kid." He said but no reply. Obi approached the main desk and then flicked the boy's forehead. "I'm talking to you, half pint."

The teenager looked up, his dull expression changing as he recognised the man in front of him. The teenager examined Obi's face before blurting out the thought that next popped into his head. "Obi? That's your name isn't it?"

"May I ask you how you know that?" Obi questioned cautiously.

The boy realised his words and shook his hands about frantically. "I-I heard one of the guys you came with mention your name!"

Well, at least he tried to lie..

Maybe she told something about me to them?

"I was wondering, the girl behind the counter who served us after your little fit-"

"It wasn't a fit! Humans bore me, and I hate being bor-"

Obi sent him an look which paralysed the boy from even thinking of saying another word. "I would appreciate it if you would let me finish my sentence before starting yours." He smirked and the boy hissed, looking away, muttering words under his breath. Obi continued. "As I was saying, the girl behind the desk. Your employees stay in this hotel, I am aware of that. May I speak to her?"

Another girl entered through the door behind the back desk and stared at the two of them. That's most definitely not her. Her dark brown- almost black hair peeked just below her shoulders, and was extremely curly. She had chocolate brown eyes and they was complimented with a warm voice, that blurted out the name Obi had been waiting to hear. Startled at the truth, confirmed in his mind who it was. She stared at Obi and then gave him a look as if he was trying to steal her food. "What do you want with her?"

I placed a hand on the front desk. "We'll just say that I know her quite well.." The kid with black hair snorted in an obnoxious manner and then turned around and walking to the other side of the desk. Reading a book of some sort.

"What's your name?" Obi asked calmly, yet you could tell she was fuming. Finally listening closely enough you could even hear the poshness in her voice, but that was the accent many people had in this kingdom. Her lips formed a smirk and she placed a hand on the edge of the front desk.

"My, my. What a personal question. A man always reveals their own before asking a lady for her name." Sparks flew around them and the teenager watching backed away slightly, laughing anxiously.

A wind gushed past Obi's face and he looked the source in the corner of his eye. A flash of bright colour could been seen, then disappearing. Obi realised, calmly leaving the girl with curly hair calling him names and to the front entrance. "I'm glad you think so highly of me, Miss." He turned around, saluted her and then winked. "Never mind! Thanks for the help!"

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