Chapter 12 - Communication & Flashbacks

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"They say sometimes if you talk while a person is in a coma." Shirayuki explained on the other side of where Obi lay. "They will be able to hear bits and pieces of what you say."

I looked at her in disbelief. "Really?"

She nodded writing something on a clipboard. "I'm going to deliver Obi's daily status report to Garrak." She stood up and smiled at me.

If you looked closely enough, you could see how sad Shirayuki was about his condition. In fact, everyone was. That fake smile that was plastered to everyone's lips when they talked to me, was to keep me positive.

I knew it.

She waved goodbye, leaving me alone with Obi. 'Well, might as well try this..'

"O-Obi? Can you hear me?" I asked, holding his pale hand in both of mine. "W-well if you can, I just want to tell you that you're safe. So many people are worried for you right now, please wake up." A cold tear dripped from my eye onto his hand. "I'm crying now, I've been such a crybaby since you've been gone. I just can't stop, I feel like all my strength has gone now that you aren't here."

I sniffed and squeesed his hand. "Am I being selfish? Do I only want you to wake up because I'm lonely? I guess.. I am being a bit selfish."

I turned to see his heart monitor increasing, and then slowing down again once I had said that. You really did hear me?

Obi.. I miss you so much...

"I really miss you, it's lonely without you."


"I refuse to wear this outfit." I said looking in a mirror as Akiya zipped up the back of my dress. "It lowers my self esteem."

"Like you had any, anyway." Torou muttered chosing a dress.

"Don't be silly Yui! You look beautiful!" She giggled and jumped up and down like a small child after placing a necklace around my neck.

"Now remember girls, we're here for a job." I reminded them and turned to Torou once again who was struggling to put on a dress.

"Here, let me help you." I said, smiling as I helped her put on a yellow gown.

"Yui, for an assassin you know way to much about royalty. I mean, you were even well informed about who our clients relatives and alliances."

I scratched my neck. "Hah, just common knowledge."

Once we left the dressing rooms and were in the grand hall, I was shocked at how beautiful it all was. A giant chandelier was dangling from the ceiling, many people covered the floor and it was quite crowded at some parts.

A few musicians were playing a jazzy tune whilst the some of the guests danced and others conversed.

"Where could the boys be?"  Aki asked looking around.

"Pretty sure they're by the bar. Let's have a look." We made our way there, and of course, they sat on a table having a competition to see who could 'hold their liquor' the best.

Angrily, I stomped towards them and once they noticed me they yelped in fear. "You idiots! Why are you here getting wasted while we have a job to complete?! This is a royal ball not a pub!"  I whisper-shouted and they apologised and stood up.

"Right.. sorry about that." Hideki laughed. "It was the cat's idea."

"You were the one who suggested it, not me!"

"Will. You. Both. Shut. Up." Torou growled and they both backed away from us.

"Well, this is a ball. So we might as well act like we fit in." Aki said, smiling brightly as ushal. "Hideki! Come dance with me!" Grabbing his hand he looked at her in confusion.

"H-hold on! W-wait a second!" He said as the girl dragged him to the dance floor.

"Well, I'm going to find myself a man to dance with." Torou said and walked off.

"Keep an eye out!" I shouted and she saluted me from the distance. I sighed and turned to Obi. "Everyone is so distracted from the task at hand."

Obi looked away and refused to meet my gaze and I folded my arms. "How long are you going to stay pissed at me?"

"Ah, I don't know." He muttered.

"Alright, well. Since everyone is dancing, we might as well to."

Obi's face went slightly red as I pulled him by the arm to where everyone danced.

"You're not exactly the worst dancer." I commented and Obi shrugged. "I have actually danced a couple of times before.. not my forte though. You're pretty bad though."

So he was lying to me the other day.

"Shut your mouth." Turning I gasped as saw a happy looking Akiya and an embarrased Hideki dancing and my heart melted. "Aren't they just the cutest!" I squealed and Obi fake gagged.

"Poor Aki, she's probably going to get posseased by that demon." Obi muttered and I chuckled at him.

"Never thought I'd see you wearing that get up." I laughed after a few moments and Obi raised an eyebrow.

"Never thought I'd see you wearing a pink dress, tomboy."

"I'll have you know I've wore stuff like this before and it's red not pink- and stop calling me tomboy!"

"Whatever, I guess you look okay."  He rolled his eyes and looked away. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly and I smiled.

"Thanks, you too."

Pink dusted his cheeks he looked at me and flashed his normal goofy grin, filling me with relief that the tension between us had dissapeared.


Obi's P.O.V.

"O-Obi? Can you hear me?"

Yui.. I can.

"It's been five days."

Five? Really?

I'm crying now. I've been such a crybaby since you've been gone."

Oh come on, don't be like that..

"I feel like all my strength has gone.."

It hasn't, it never will.

"Am I being selfish?"

Of course not..

"Do I only want you to wake up because I'm lonely? I guess.. I am being a bit selfish."

Idiot.. you aren't. I'm going to get out of here, wait for me. I promise you, just you wait..

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