Chapter 8 - Hideki ♡

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I pushed through the busy strees full of people, having caught up with the theives, who hadn't even realised our absence.

Obi? Where is he?

I looked around searching for the man, but I couldn't spot him anywhere.

I'm wsure he's fine, knowing the guy he's shortly behind us. Probably got distracted by some scarf ot something.

I continued to follow the people, but Obi's where-abouts stayed firmly on my mind. "Obi..?" I shouted as I looked around once more.

Most of the crowd were stuffed in one area, but overall it was still rather busy. Soon after, my worries were cleared as I noticed him slowly push through the crowd. Something red was tightly in the grip of his right hand.

I smiled and waved at him, and finally he began to walk towards me. "Obi! There you are."

A strange aurora was surrounding him.

"Hey.. you alright?"

He looked tense and I gently shook his shoulder to wake him up. "Obi- argh! What the hell?!"

The red object, which turned out to be an apple, that was in his hand was shoved into my mouth.

"Eat. You haven't eaten in days. You'll get ill." Fringe still covering his eyes the former assassin refused to meet my gaze and commanded me to do what he said.

I growled lowly and bit the apple, he pulled it away from me. "Fine. I'll eat it. Thanks." I muttered between chewing and then snatched the apple out of his hands.

With each coming bite of the apple, I honestly did feel better. But obviously, I had no intention of telling Obi that, his head was big enough.

Though, he still had something bothering him, and refused to look me in the eye. Not just that, he seemed to watching over my shoulder making sure that I was doing the correct thing.

I bit my lip, feeling slightly anxious as why he was doing all this. He seemed to be like an overprotective father or something.

"Obi..? Is there something wrong?" I asked genuinely concerned about him. "You know you can talk to me about anything.."

"I'm fine." He assured, keeping his eyes glued to the floor. His voice was brittle, and he was taking sharp and short breaths as we continued to walk while conversing.

"Obi.." I grabbed his arm after a few minutes of walking in silence and stopped him. "Please don't lie to me.. I can't accept seeing you like this."

"Ignorance is bliss.." He mumbled but I was able to pick up what he was saying.

I gritted my teeth, realising that I had lost that arguement. "I will find out what's bothering you someday, I may not know why your sad now, but could you at least try to cheer up."

Obi's face, a shadow still cast over his eyes, refused to unlock his gaze from the ground below our feet.

I sighed, looking up at the vast and clear blue sky above our head. The warm sun rested on my shoulders, it was heavenly.

"Ma'm.. we have arrived." Waking up from my daydream, I turned to the theives and they opened the door into what seemed to be a run down shoe shop.

A large sign reading 'Walker's Shoes' was falling apart, nearly about to snap in half. As soon as the door had opened, half of the sign fell to the crowd, hitting one of the men's head.

He groaned and rubbed his head, and they all began to make there way into the shoe shop, one of the theives opening the door for Obi and I.

Nervously they gestured to a staircase that led down to the basement. I raised an eyebrow and turned to Obi but he was looking away from me.

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