3➳Sweet and Simple

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S W E E T  A N D  S I M P L E

I ran outside of school, breathing heavily. I stopped at a bench around the desolate courtyard and took a seat. Then I dropped my things onto the table and calmed down my breathing, the wind feeling very limited to me as my chest tightens as the tears began to fall. Small water droplets streaked out my eyes, falling onto my skirt. I cupped my face in my hands, quietly sobbing but try to stop at the same time. Abruptly, something smashed onto the floor, making me jumping, and I looked and saw all my things orbiting around me.

"Are you okay?" I jumped once again and everything fell onto the ground as I turned around and saw the tall boy. His jet black hair made his gold eyes stand out, he wore a white t-shirt, his muscles peeping out of it, and jeans that fit him ever so perfectly. I cleared my tears and stood up, brushing myself down.

"I'm fine." I lied, biting my tongue to stop a sob from coming out.

"Did you do that?" he asked, pointing towards the school. I raised my eyes in faux oblivion and shook my head.

"Do what?"

"Break the glass."

"How could I break the glass?"

"I don't know. You tell me." He said, raising a brow.

I saw the determination in his eyes and watched a smirk grow on his face when he knew he caught me. I hesitated for a moment. "Did you see?" I asked, gesturing to my things.

"Did you break the glass?" He repeated.

"Maybe I did." I retorted.

"Maybe I saw what you did." He shrugged, giving a sly smile. "I'm Jacob if you wanted to know my name."

"And who said I wanted to know your name?" I teased to which Jacob smiled before helping me with my things. After gathering all my belonging, Jacob turned to leave and walked back into school, his hands shoved into his pocket as a quiet whistle was released from his lips. I bit my lip and debated calling after him or not to thank him but I decided to after a few moments of contemplation.

"Jacob!" I shouted and he turned around. "Thanks."

The next day I got changed into a cream mini skirt with floral laces and a burgundy sweater. I pulled on a black tight and some burgundy ankle boots then I wrapped a black and gold belt around my waist to hold my skirt up. I had a free week so I decided to head to library but when I got there it was bigger than expected.

"Welcome." A black haired lady said, a bright smile on her face as her brown eyes stared at me.

"Hey." I replied, fiddling with the latch on my purse.

"You must be Cleopatra. I'm Sophia." She said. "Welcome to the library, we have any book you need. The internet is 6 am to 12 pm. If you need internet before or after those times you must come to me." She handed a laminated card to me "This card helps me see what you have taken out and when you have used the internet."

"Thank you." I replied before disappearing into the book selves. In the corner, at the back, it had chairs to sit down so I took a seat down and pulled out my phone, to text Lola.

C: Hey Lola.

L: Oh hi. Haven't you got class?

C: I'm off for the week since it's my first time here.

L: How's things there?

C: Great.

L: Any boys?

C: LOL. Yes but no talking about them.

L: Fine.

C: What are you doing?

L: Oh shit, got caught by Mr Redwood. Ttyl boo.

C: You better Lola. I have way to much to tell you.

I tucked my phone back in my bag and decided to roam around the library belfry leaving. There were several of book but one that caught my eye was the a bulky book with curly writing on the spine of the brown coloured book. I reached out to touch it but when I did, a spark zipped trough my body, making me instantly retract my hand.

I shook my head and chose to leave the library, not before waving goodbye to the librarian As I mindlessly walk down the hallway and towards my dorm, I suddenly bump into someone. I fell onto the ground and my things fell out my bag, scattered across the ground.

"I'm so sorry." I said putting my things back into my bag.

"Don't worry. Let me help you." I looked up and locked eye with the gold eyes boy, a sense of deja vu hitting me as he held out a hand for me and I gracefully took it.



"I'm sorry for bumping into you." I apologized again, collecting my bag from the ground.

"Stop saying sorry." Jacob said "Queen Cleopatra. It should be me saying sorry." He bowed down smiling, making me laugh.

"Please stop." I said, laughing.

"Where you off to?" Jacob asked.

"I don't know." I admitted.

"Then I guess we can hang out." He said.

"If that's what you wish, Jacob." I looped her arm through Jacob's arm. We walked through the hallways of the building silently before he decided to break the silence.

"So are you busy tomorrow night?" Jacob asked, walking me to my dorm. It was the afternoon and most people were already their last lesson of the day so not many people were in the hallway as we walked.

We had left the main block and entered the dormitory block, making our way up to the middle floor.

"No." I replied, carefully.

"Well do you mind if you come over to a party my mates having around 9?"

"Only if you come get me." I joked, playfully bumping into his shoulder.

"Fine then."

"Wait I was joking." I stopped walking when I see his face dead serious.

"But I'll still come." Jacob said.



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