4➳Party with Green

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Picture of Jacob


It was the night of the party, the sun had just set and the lights outside gleamed, filling the campus with radiating light. I changed into a short blue halter dress, the straps laced around my neck with little diamonds on them.

I pulled on a pair of black pumps with a red sole and brushed my hair into a side ponytail with the curls falling on one shoulder. Jacob came right on time as I opened the door to leave. He stared at me in awe, raising a blush on my cheek as I look at anywhere but him.

"You look beautiful." He smiled as I closed the door, tucking my keys into my bra.

"Thank you."

We walked up the top floor where the party was, talking about classes. He told me about how one of his friends had a crush on a teacher but had been denying it. I laughed at and said that something what Lola would do. I completely forgot where we were going until we were standing at the door 209 and knocked on it, a skimpy girl opening the door and flashing a smirk at Jacob before glaring at me then letting us in. When we got inside, everyone was already wasted and dancing around, not caring about anything.

"Let's get a drink." Jacob said, pulling me over to the bar without a reply. I finished a drink slowly while Jacob swallowed a drink in one movement.

"Want another one?" He asked but I shake my head. He nodded and seemed distracted for a movement before he looked at me with a grin. "Hey, I want you to meet some people."

Finishing the rest of my drink, I stood up and followed Jacob through the crowd. We walked up to a group of kids sitting on the stage and was laughing and messing about but one in particular stood out to me, seeing as he sat to the side of them, the beer can resting in his hand as he studied me but I didn't flinch.

"Hey." Jacob said as the conversation died down. They all looked up and greeted him back. "This is Cleo. Cleo, that's Reese, Roman, Nick, Safi, Taz and Zack."

"Hey, you ran out of English." A brown haired girl said, flashing me a small smile.

"Yeah Taz." Jacob said, stiffly.

"I cut my hand from the glass." I lied smoothly, shrugging. They all stared at me and somewhere deep down I had a feeling that they knew otherwise. The way they studied me, all their beady eyes watching me like a hawk.

"You have no mark." Someone said. I turned my head to the direction of the voice and his deep grey eyes locked with mine, sending delightful shivers down my spine.

"Must have disappeared." I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head, smiling wth anklets shrug. "I'm going to get another drink, it was nice meeting you guys."

"You too." Some of them said. The grey eyed boy stared at me but I just walked away, not wasting another moment as I stalked down towards the bar, needing another drink to shake off these feelings that rose up in me. Even though I was far away from them I was able to hear their conversation.

"She's different." Taz said, her eyes burning into the back of my head. "Don't you think Reese?"

"Maybe." Reese muttered. Reese was the blonde and Safi was the auburn haired girl while Taz had the brown curly hair.

"Guys, she is still Cleopatra." Nick reminded, the blue eyed boy and lightly tanned skinned.

"Not yet." Roman whispers, the boy with clear golden eyes and dark skin.

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