I thought that everything changed but it was me.
My eye colour has deepened and my powers grew stronger. Weeks gone by and my friends and brother were still not here.
Zack had left me messages but it didn't feel real enough. I laid silently on my bed and thought back to the moment I met Zack. Lately my thoughts had been about him.
I thought about our relationship and how I'm changing so quickly he might not keep up. Briar was right.
Maybe power always took over love.
No. I won't think like that.
I roll over on my bed and faced the windows. Suddenly there was a knock.
I breathed heavily and stayed quiet to hope that I was mistaken. Another knock. I got up and smoothed my floral sundress and slipped into my white wedges.
I walked up to my French doors and opened them. Then I walked slowly out on to the balcony to hear the doors slam shut. I gasped and my powers turned alive.
"Who is there?" I asked and I heard a whisper. It was faint but somehow I recognised it. "Dad..." My voice turned into a frightened quiver.
A cold but warm hand rested on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around.
A figure stood there in a navy suit and smart shoes. The eyes was crystal and had a blue circle around the pupil. The hair was brown and had streaks of greyness. The face had a straight jawline which made the figure stand out.
"Cleo." The figure whispered with a faint smile.
"Who are you?" I asked but I didn't move.
"You know who I am. Deep down." He said
"I know that I know but I don't want it to be real." The figure laid two strong hands onto my shoulder.
I wanted to cry but when the first tear slid down my face it never dropped onto the ground. The figure held my tear on the tip of his index finger. I smiled at the sight and he smiled back.
"Daddy." I said as the figure pulled me into his chest. I cried and cried as he hushed me.
We pulled away and he spoke, "You okay?" I nodded weakly. "I tried to talk to you before by making you remember our song and see the light. But you'd never realise." He cupped my face, "My Princess. I missed you dear. We spent all our time together this time around. The other times I wouldn't have said hi."
"Aren't you dead?" I asked. Dad chuckled and gave a grin.
"No. The time your mother went crazy and something haunted her. I tried to run, tried to find a way to save her, and she took it the wrong way. Next thing I know was the flames. You have that enjoyment from her but your braveness and courage from me." His gaze burners through my eyes, "Your eyes are a beautiful shade of blue. It makes this red hair stand out." He twist a finger in my hair and plays with it. "I lost a lot of things that day but you is what hurt the most. I miss you baby girl." His kiss laid on my forehead.
A ghost that can make me feel its touch.
"I miss you too Dad." I said. "You know that I don't even know your name."
Dad chuckled, "I know."
"Don't you think that I should know like being your daughter and everything?" I suggested and he grinned at me.
"Jason Gold." He paused, "Your surname comes from my side of the family. Briar didn't change hers because she wasn't allowed."
"Gold. Dad do you know Silverest?"
"Yes. They are Angels and our oldest friend." He smiled at me, "Is this about Zachary?"
"Zack! No..." I stuttered but Dad knew otherwise. "Yea it is about him. I don't want my curse to come between us." I sighed and lean forward on the rails.
I could see the waves skimming the white sand. The moon beamed down in Dad like a spotlight.
"I love him Dad but every time I say I love you it feels like a sin. I've seen the pain I've caused him. I hate this Dad." Dad laid an arm on my shoulder as I tucked myself in his chest.
"You are soulmates. Bound to each other until the End. The curse has a loophole." Dad said causally. I stared at him at disbelief. When he caught me staring, he jumped and laughed. "The loophole is Zack and You. Your love is the reason he does not die nor you. Killing him isn't the loophole."
"What is?" I asked eagerly.
"Loving him." Dad said softly.
"What do you mean? I do love him."
"No you don't. You just told me that you feel like it's a sin. You have to believe his word and your own. Until you have found it, I'll be right here." Dad said.
"But you're a ghost."
Dad laughed, "I'm not really. I'm immortal and this means I can't die. Cleo I left home and didn't want to come back until you did." I smiled and hugged Dad.
"They might be happy to see you." I said but Dad shook his head in disbelief.
"I highly doubt that."
"Won't hurt to try." I opened the doors and pulled him down to the throne room.

Beautiful Nightmare [DRAFT]
Fantasy(DRAFT | HALF EDITED) Everyone knew her name. Everyone knew the prophecy. Everyone knew that she was going to destroy the realms that separate the mortals with the immortals. Who was she? She was Cleopatra Moon and she had been reborn. •••••• Cleo...